Andrea Bosoni


"Firstly, I think they should change their name and branding."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"There are already popular companies that share their name (and some even have a similar logo)."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"This is a classic example of a good product with the wrong positioning."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"their plans start from $99/month and I find it really hard to imagine a new founder using it."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"Pro tip: most landing pages have social proof, but many do it wrong with the generic “This product is amazing” copy."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"The goal of a testimonial section is to back up the claims made with your unique value proposition - use it to showcase specific experiences."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"Similarly, do a web search; if someone mentioned your product, ask them to add a link. Works 99% of the time!"
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"Another low-hanging fruit for links is founder appearances. If the founder appeared in interviews or podcasts, ask the hosts to update the links."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"Since SaaS founders love Twitter, that’s a missed opportunity."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch
"Since they’re starting from zero, the best way to get exposure would be by taking part in relevant conversations."
Andrea Bosoni
How I'd grow Hopscotch

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