Amanda Natividad


"And any LinkedIn creator can tell you Zero-Click content always performs better, and that links belong in the comments instead of the posts."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"Zero-Click content is content that offers valuable, standalone insights (or simply engaging material), with no need to click."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"But how can we get value if we can’t get trackable visits? Just like our marketing forebears did: through hard-to-measure brand lift."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"For marketers, writers or creators, it means optimizing impressions without the goal of earning that click. It’s taking a leap of faith. Giving the juiciest information upfront, earning engagement so the algorithm rewards your post, and building enough goodwill that your audience remembers you next time, seeks you out later, follows you on the platform, or even clicks on your profile to go find your call-to-action."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"So if a creator is generous enough to give you the punchline or the three most salient takeaways, you know the long-form version of whatever it is they’re promoting is going to be worth it."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"Does this mean you need to give away all the spoilers of your long-form content? No. But in a time when content saturation is higher than ever before, you need to be value-driven. You need to continually win over your audience’s attention."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"Give one complete, compelling idea in 200 words, 2 minutes, or less."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"Offering up standalone insights is essentially the content distribution strategy of Ross Simmonds and his team at Foundation Inc."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"Then they summarize these teardowns on social media (like Ross’s thread about Calm) and in their email newsletter."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"For other effective examples on social media: Look to Twitter writers like Maven co-founder Wes Kao, who often writes threads about career management, creator Nathan Baugh who tweets about storytelling and has a newsletter that dives deeper into each topic, and LinkedIn creators like John Bonini, Director of Marketing at Databox:"
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"If you lead with the rant, you’re shining a light on the pain points that your audience feels too. They won’t need to click on your post to feel seen or understood. But they’ll want to click on it because they’ll want to see how you solve their problem."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"Give your audience your best and succinct information to help save them time and energy."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"When you create content so valuable that it doesn’t need to be consumed off-platform, it becomes even more likely that your audience will like you, remember you, and trust you enough to eventually smash that CTA."
Amanda Natividad
Zero-Click Content: The Counterintuitive Way to Succeed in a Platform-Native World - SparkToro
"I invest serious time qualifying my lead list and researching my audience before I send messages. This requires extra energy and effort, but if you’re seeking results, the payoff is worth it."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Why Cold Outreach Is Often Ineffective"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"It’s irrelevant to the recipient."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"There’s no Ooh! Moment."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"There’s no Aha! Moment."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"The request seems big."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"People don’t know you."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"You’re asking for the wrong thing."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Amanda’s 5 Rules of Cold Outreach"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Rule 1: Give a s*** about the other person."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Rule 2: You cannot demand attention from a stranger."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Rule 3: Talk like a human."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Rule 4: Be genuine. Smart people have good B.S. radars."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Rule 5: Don’t waste their time or your time."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"A 5-Step Guide to Cold Outreach"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"1. Start your list with cluster sources"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"2. Prioritize and cut down your list."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Google yourself. Look at the top results. Assuming your name isn’t common, there’s a good chance your public social media accounts rank pretty high."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"4. Consider the notion that the best cold outreach is actually warm outreach."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"5. And finally, go ahead and shoot your shot."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"I’ve found the most effective cold messages are written plainly, and it’s clear that the sender wrote it themself as a single message to a single contact."
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Also be sure your cold message addresses these questions:"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"What is your product, service, or expertise?"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"What are you requesting?"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Why you and not someone else?"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro
"Why them and not someone else?"
Amanda Natividad
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach - SparkToro

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