Aleksandra Bliszczyk


"Sally Brandon, a communications lecturer at Melbourne’s Deakin University, applied bot detection technology to 54 essays she marked over summer and found 10 had “significant, detectable bot assistance”. She’d been scanning assessments for signs of AI for five years and this term’s rate of use was the highest to date."
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating
"Already, in the US, some schools have already “banned” the URL to mitigate fears of negative effects on students. ChatGPT has quickly become synonymous with “cheating.”"
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating
"But it’s not a database: it creates new prose because it’s simply looking for learned characteristics. It learns only from what it’s taught, so it can still make mistakes, have gaps in its knowledge and have inbuilt bias."
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating
"“It’s not a matter of banning it, it’s there, it exists, we’re going to be using it in the future, but it’s going to be an efficiency tool,” Pope said."
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating
"“As an innovative and proactive educator, our focus is to instead support our students to develop awareness, knowledge and skill in the ethical and responsible use of these tools so they graduate as digitally fluent citizens and employees.”"
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating
"Dawson said universities have been aware of students using these tools for a while — because professionals in their industries have been using them for a while, too."
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating
"And at the end of the day, people will always find a way to cheat — using whatever technology is available to them."
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating
"We’ve been cheating since the very first forms of examination were invented in China in 600 AD, and we continue to find ways to get away with it."
Aleksandra Bliszczyk
AI Writing Tools Like ChatGPT Are the Future of Learning & No, It’s Not Cheating

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