The Tech week that was.. Aug 14~18 | LinkedIn

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 23, 2024

4 min read


The Tech week that was.. Aug 14~18 | LinkedIn

Counterpoint Research recently released a forecast that predicts global smartphone shipments in 2023 to be the lowest in the last 10 years. The research firm anticipates a decline of -6% with only 1.15 billion units being shipped in 2023. This decline is attributed to several factors, including regional macro risks in Asia, China, and the USA, which have led to extended smartphone replacement rates.

Despite this overall decline in the smartphone market, Apple is expected to fare well and potentially even become the top supplier in 2023. The global trend for premium and ultra-premium phones positions Apple favorably to gain market share in the coming years. With their reputation for quality and innovation, Apple has the potential to attract customers seeking high-end devices.

In the world of productivity tools, Obsidian stands out as a highly versatile and customizable note-taking tool. Obsidian is designed to be extensible from the ground up, allowing users to build and customize their own systems. With 25 core plugins, 916 community plugins, and 187 themes, Obsidian offers a wide range of options to tailor the tool to individual preferences.

For those who are not inclined to build their own solutions, Obsidian still provides a high level of customization. The built-in plugin marketplace makes it easy to install plugins with just one click, allowing users to enhance their note-taking experience without much effort. The community plugins are also available on GitHub, providing an opportunity for users to study and learn from them.

One of the key advantages of Obsidian is its offline functionality. Users can access and work on their notes even without an internet connection, ensuring that productivity is not hindered by service issues or lack of connectivity. This feature makes Obsidian a reliable tool for individuals who need to work on their notes anytime and anywhere.

Furthermore, Obsidian's use of Markdown ensures compatibility and longevity. Markdown is widely used by platforms like Reddit and GitHub, making it a stable and widely accepted format for creating and editing content. By adopting Markdown, Obsidian ensures that users' notes will not be rendered obsolete or inaccessible in the future.

Obsidian also boasts one of the largest note-taking communities, known for its friendliness and helpfulness. The community is always ready to assist new members and answer any questions they may have. This supportive environment fosters a sense of belonging and encourages users to fully explore and utilize the capabilities of Obsidian.

In conclusion, the tech landscape is constantly evolving, with both challenges and opportunities arising. Counterpoint Research's forecast of declining global smartphone shipments highlights the need for companies to adapt to changing market dynamics. Apple's potential to become the top supplier in 2023 showcases the importance of focusing on premium and ultra-premium devices to gain a competitive edge.

On the other hand, Obsidian's customizable and extensible nature makes it a standout tool in the realm of productivity. With its vast range of plugins, themes, and custom styling options, Obsidian allows users to create a note-taking system that perfectly suits their needs. The offline functionality, adoption of Markdown, and supportive community further enhance the appeal and usability of Obsidian.

To make the most of these trends and tools, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace the premium and ultra-premium market: If you're in the smartphone industry, consider shifting your focus towards high-end devices. Consumers are increasingly willing to invest in premium smartphones, and this trend is expected to continue. Positioning your brand as a provider of quality and innovative devices can help you gain market share.
  • 2. Customize your productivity tools: Whether you use Obsidian or another note-taking tool, take the time to explore and utilize the customization options available. Tailoring the tool to your preferences and workflow can significantly enhance your productivity and overall experience. Experiment with different plugins, themes, and styles to find what works best for you.
  • 3. Engage with the community: Don't underestimate the power of a supportive community. Engage with other users, ask questions, and share your insights. The note-taking community, in particular, is known for its friendliness and willingness to help. By actively participating in the community, you can learn from others, receive valuable advice, and build connections with like-minded individuals.

In a rapidly changing tech landscape, staying informed and adaptable is crucial. By keeping an eye on market trends and leveraging customizable tools like Obsidian, you can position yourself for success and maximize your productivity. With the right strategies and tools in place, you can navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

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