In a world filled with information and knowledge at our fingertips, it can be easy to get lost in the sea of certainty. We often find ourselves gravitating towards what is already known, seeking comfort in the familiar. But what if we shifted our focus towards the unknown, the unexplored territories of knowledge? This is the premise behind the "Bold Conjectures Podcast - Inverted Passion."

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Dec 04, 2023

4 min read


In a world filled with information and knowledge at our fingertips, it can be easy to get lost in the sea of certainty. We often find ourselves gravitating towards what is already known, seeking comfort in the familiar. But what if we shifted our focus towards the unknown, the unexplored territories of knowledge? This is the premise behind the "Bold Conjectures Podcast - Inverted Passion."

The podcast takes inspiration from Karl Popper's quote in "The Logic of Scientific Discovery," where he emphasizes the importance of bold ideas, unjustified anticipations, and speculative thought in interpreting nature. Instead of dwelling on settled consensus, the podcast encourages its audience to delve into the realm of what we don't yet know for sure.

This approach aligns with the philosophy of Obsidian, a versatile note-taking tool that empowers users to build their own systems and explore the depths of their knowledge. Obsidian is designed to be extensible from the ground up, allowing users to play, tweak, and customize it until they're truly satisfied.

One of the key features of Obsidian is its plugin system. With 25 core plugins and a staggering 916 community plugins, users can enhance their note-taking experience in countless ways. Whether it's adding functionalities, integrating with other tools, or customizing the appearance, Obsidian's plugin marketplace makes it easy to find and install the desired plugins with just one click.

But Obsidian goes beyond mere convenience. It encourages users to think beyond the individual plugins and explore the possibilities that arise from combining them. Some plugins work even better together, creating a synergy that amplifies their individual capabilities. This notion of the sum of the parts being greater than the whole is a reminder that in the pursuit of knowledge, collaboration and integration play a vital role.

In addition to plugins, Obsidian offers 187 themes and allows for custom styling, enabling users to fine-tune the visual aesthetics of their notes. This level of customization ensures that your note-taking experience is not only functional but also visually pleasing. Obsidian becomes a canvas on which you can express your thoughts and ideas in a way that resonates with your personal style.

But perhaps one of the most significant features of Obsidian is its commitment to data ownership. Your data sits in a local folder, ensuring that you never have to worry about your life's work being held hostage in the cloud. This aspect aligns with the ethos of the "Bold Conjectures Podcast - Inverted Passion," where the exploration of the unknown is driven by the desire to break free from the constraints of certainty.

Obsidian's use of Markdown further reinforces its commitment to simplicity and accessibility. Markdown is widely used by platforms like Reddit and GitHub, making it a familiar and future-proof format. With Obsidian, you can enjoy reading and working on your notes anytime, anywhere, even without an internet connection. No longer will you be at the mercy of internet or service issues that hinder your productivity and creativity.

Beyond its remarkable features, Obsidian boasts one of the largest note-taking communities, a testament to its user-friendly and supportive environment. The community is known for its friendliness and willingness to help newcomers. If you have a question or need guidance, you can rest assured that someone from the Obsidian community will be there to assist you on your journey of exploration and discovery.

So, how can we apply the principles and philosophies of Obsidian and the "Bold Conjectures Podcast - Inverted Passion" in our own lives? Here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace the unknown: Instead of always seeking certainty, allow yourself to venture into uncharted territories of knowledge. Embrace the joy and excitement that come from exploring what we don't yet know for sure.
  • 2. Customize your tools: Just like Obsidian allows users to customize their note-taking experience, find ways to tailor your tools and systems to fit your unique needs and preferences. This level of personalization fosters a sense of ownership and empowers you to truly make the most out of your resources.
  • 3. Foster a supportive community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for exploration and speculative thought. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and offer help to others. A supportive community can fuel your curiosity and inspire you to push the boundaries of knowledge.

In conclusion, the "Bold Conjectures Podcast - Inverted Passion" and Obsidian both advocate for embracing the unknown and exploring what lies beyond settled consensus. By customizing our tools, fostering supportive communities, and venturing into uncharted territories of knowledge, we can embark on a journey of discovery that transcends the limitations of certainty. Let us embrace the power of bold ideas, unjustified anticipations, and speculative thought to grasp the true essence of nature and expand the horizons of our understanding.

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