The Rediscovery of Robert Louis Stevenson and the Power of Personalization in Obsidian

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Feb 12, 2024

4 min read


The Rediscovery of Robert Louis Stevenson and the Power of Personalization in Obsidian

In the 20th century, Robert Louis Stevenson, the renowned author of classics such as "Treasure Island" and "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," saw his literary reputation diminish. He was often dismissed as a writer of children's literature and horror genres, and his works were excluded from the canon of literature taught in schools. However, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in Stevenson's writings, and his legacy is being reevaluated.

One of the key factors in Stevenson's renewed recognition is the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum in Samoa. Located in his former home in Vailima, the museum showcases the later years of his life. By presenting the house as it was during Stevenson's time and including additional buildings that triple the museum's size, visitors can immerse themselves in the world of this influential writer. The museum also provides access to the path leading to Stevenson's grave atop Mount Vaea, allowing fans to pay their respects and gain a deeper understanding of his life and work.

Similarly, Obsidian, a note-taking app, has experienced a surge in popularity due to its emphasis on personalization and customization. Unlike other note-taking platforms that limit users to predefined templates and structures, Obsidian encourages users to build their own systems. With a wide range of core plugins, community plugins, and themes, users can tweak Obsidian to suit their specific needs and preferences. Whether it's organizing research, creating to-do lists, or journaling, Obsidian provides the tools to make the app truly personalized.

The extensibility of Obsidian is a significant factor in its appeal. With over 900 community plugins and 180 themes, users have endless possibilities for customizing their note-taking experience. With just a few clicks, users can install plugins and transform Obsidian into the perfect tool for their workflow. Additionally, the ability to study community plugins on GitHub and seek assistance from the developer community ensures that users can maximize the potential of Obsidian.

Another key feature of Obsidian is its offline functionality. By storing data locally, users never have to worry about their notes being held hostage in the cloud or experiencing service issues. This offline capability allows users to access and work on their notes anytime, anywhere, without constraints imposed by internet connectivity. Obsidian harnesses the power of Markdown, a widely used markup language, to ensure compatibility and longevity. This reliance on Markdown, which is utilized by popular platforms like Reddit and GitHub, ensures that users' notes will remain accessible and relevant for years to come.

Moreover, Obsidian boasts one of the largest note-taking communities, known for its friendliness and helpfulness towards new members. The community provides a space for users to ask questions, seek advice, and share their experiences. This supportive environment fosters growth and encourages users to explore the full potential of Obsidian.

In conclusion, the resurgence of interest in Robert Louis Stevenson's works and the popularity of Obsidian both highlight the power of personalization and customization. By allowing individuals to tailor their experiences to their specific needs, both Stevenson's legacy and the note-taking app have found renewed appreciation. To make the most of this personalized approach, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace customization: Whether it's in literature or note-taking, don't be afraid to make something truly your own. Experiment with different styles, themes, and plugins to find what works best for you.
  • 2. Seek community support: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion. Engage with the community, ask questions, and learn from others' experiences. The collective wisdom and support can propel your journey to new heights.
  • 3. Take ownership of your data: With the increasing reliance on cloud-based services, it's essential to have control over your data. Look for tools like Obsidian that prioritize local storage and offline functionality, ensuring that your work is always accessible and secure.

By applying these principles, you can not only rediscover the hidden gems of literature but also find a note-taking system that empowers you to organize your thoughts, ideas, and discoveries in a way that truly resonates with you.

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