The Intersection of Public Interest Journalism and EMDR Therapy: Healing Trauma and Informing Society

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 13, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of Public Interest Journalism and EMDR Therapy: Healing Trauma and Informing Society


In recent news, the first funding injection for Public Interest Journalism has been announced, aiming to boost reporting and training across the country. This initiative highlights the importance of diverse voices and representation within newsrooms, with a focus on Māori and journalists from different backgrounds. At the same time, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has gained prominence as a powerful treatment for healing trauma and emotional distress. By exploring the commonalities between these two realms, we can uncover unique insights on the impact of storytelling and healing in our society.

The Power of Storytelling in Public Interest Journalism:

Public Interest Journalism plays a crucial role in shining a light on issues that impact our country. From in-depth investigations to revisiting impactful documentaries, these projects aim to inform and engage the public. One funded project focuses on how our public service measures up, while another delves into the devastating effects of type 2 diabetes on Pacific young people. By uncovering these stories, journalists contribute to a more informed and aware society, ultimately driving positive change.

Unveiling Trauma and Harnessing Healing:

EMDR therapy, on the other hand, is a psychotherapy treatment designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. It utilizes a three-pronged protocol that targets past events, current circumstances, and imaginal templates of future events. Through the use of external stimuli, such as eye movements or hand-tapping, EMDR therapy facilitates the processing and resolution of traumatic memories. This leads to relief from emotional distress, reformulation of negative beliefs, and reduction of physiological arousal.

The Intersection of Journalism and Healing:

While the objectives of Public Interest Journalism and EMDR therapy may seem distinct, they share common ground in their impact on individuals and society. Both storytelling and healing aim to bring about change and transformation. Public Interest Journalism enlightens the public about pressing issues, while EMDR therapy enables individuals to heal and recover from traumatic experiences. By recognizing this intersection, we can explore innovative ways to leverage the power of storytelling for healing and vice versa.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster Collaboration: Journalists and mental health professionals can collaborate to bring stories of trauma and healing to the forefront. By working together, they can create powerful narratives that not only inform but also foster empathy and understanding.
  • 2. Diversify Representation: In both journalism and therapy, representation matters. By increasing diversity in newsrooms and therapy practices, we can ensure that a wide range of voices and experiences are heard and validated. This, in turn, contributes to a more inclusive and empathetic society.
  • 3. Prioritize Mental Health Education: Journalists can benefit from understanding the basics of trauma and mental health to ensure responsible reporting. Similarly, mental health professionals can be proactive in educating themselves about the power of storytelling and the potential impact of media on their clients' healing journeys.


As we witness the first funding injection for Public Interest Journalism and continue to explore the transformative power of EMDR therapy, it becomes evident that storytelling and healing are interconnected forces in our society. By recognizing their commonalities and fostering collaboration between journalists and mental health professionals, we can create a more informed, empathetic, and resilient society. Let us harness the power of storytelling for healing and utilize the insights gained from healing to inform and drive positive change in our communities.

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