The Future of AI: Revolutionizing Society and Journalism

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 15, 2023

4 min read


The Future of AI: Revolutionizing Society and Journalism


In recent years, the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked excitement and speculation about its potential impact on society. OpenAI's Sam Altman, in an exclusive interview, shares his insights on ChatGPT, artificial general intelligence (AGI), and the potential to reshape capitalism. At the same time, a funding injection for public interest journalism in New Zealand aims to enhance reporting and address representation issues within newsrooms. These seemingly unrelated topics actually intersect in their exploration of the future and the transformative power of technology.

The Continuous Evolution of AI:

Altman emphasizes that we are still in the early stages of AI development. He highlights the exponential improvement in technology and its positive impact on society. This sentiment echoes the belief that each AI milestone, such as the launches of GPT-3 and DALL-E, is just a stepping stone towards more significant breakthroughs. While ChatGPT may not replace search engines entirely, Altman envisions a future where AI systems could revolutionize the way we access information.

The Gradual Emergence of AGI:

Altman admits that achieving AGI, a system capable of human-level intelligence across a broad range of tasks, is not imminent. However, he emphasizes that the transition towards AGI will be gradual, rather than a sudden event. This notion of a "slow takeoff" challenges the traditional view of a clear-cut moment when AGI is achieved. Instead, the development of AGI will be a continuous process, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact moment of its arrival.

The Potential to Reshape Capitalism:

Altman's enthusiasm for capitalism is evident, yet he also recognizes its flaws and believes that AGI could reveal alternative systems. He envisions a new paradigm that challenges the current capitalist structure. While capitalism has proven to be the best system so far, Altman hopes that AGI can lead us towards a more ideal societal framework. The transformative potential of AGI raises questions about how it could disrupt existing economic models and pave the way for a more equitable future.

Revitalizing Public Interest Journalism:

In parallel to the AI revolution, New Zealand has taken steps to bolster public interest journalism. The injection of funds aims to support a wide range of projects, including in-depth investigations and the revisiting of impactful documentaries. Notably, there is a focus on representation, with efforts to increase diversity within newsrooms and amplify the voices of marginalized communities. This aligns with the recognition that journalism should reflect the diverse perspectives and experiences of the population it serves.

Connecting the Dots:

While seemingly unrelated, these two developments share a common thread: the future. Both AI and journalism are navigating uncharted territory, exploring new possibilities, and challenging existing norms. The convergence of AI and journalism holds immense potential for transforming how news is reported, consumed, and understood. As AI advances, it can assist journalists in analyzing vast amounts of data, combating misinformation, and uncovering hidden stories. The collaboration between technology and journalism can lead to a more informed and engaged society.

Three Actionable Insights:

  • 1. Embrace the Potential of AI: Rather than viewing AI as a threat, society should embrace its potential to improve various aspects of our lives. By leveraging AI technologies, we can enhance search capabilities, streamline information access, and empower journalists to delve deeper into complex issues.
  • 2. Foster Inclusivity in Journalism: Recognizing the importance of diverse voices within the media industry is crucial for accurate and comprehensive reporting. Supporting initiatives that promote inclusivity and representation within newsrooms will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of societal issues.
  • 3. Prepare for the Future: As both AI and journalism continue to evolve, it is essential to adapt and stay informed. Journalists should acquire the necessary skills to leverage AI tools effectively, while society at large should engage in discussions about the ethical, social, and economic implications of AI.


The intersection of AI and journalism offers a glimpse into a future where technology and reporting converge to shape society. Altman's insights shed light on the ongoing advancements in AI and the potential to revolutionize capitalism. Simultaneously, the investment in public interest journalism in New Zealand highlights the importance of representation and the need to adapt to a changing media landscape. By embracing AI, fostering inclusivity, and preparing for the future, we can navigate the transformative impact of technology and journalism, ultimately leading to a more informed and equitable society.

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