Evaluating Information Sources and the Power of EMDR Therapy

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Feb 02, 2024

3 min read


Evaluating Information Sources and the Power of EMDR Therapy


When conducting research, it is crucial to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information sources used. Scholarly sources, such as books from academic presses, provide in-depth knowledge and are typically peer-reviewed. On the other hand, popular sources may be more specialized and contain advertising. In this article, we will explore the importance of evaluating information sources and also delve into the transformative power of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy.

Evaluating Information Sources:

Scholarly sources, including books from academic presses, are written by experts for experts. These works are based on original research or intellectual inquiry and provide citations for all sources used. Additionally, scholarly publications are usually peer-reviewed before publication, ensuring the quality and accuracy of the information presented. However, it is important to note that not all books with editorial boards comprised of subject experts are peer-reviewed. It is essential to consider the expertise of the author and other criteria of a scholarly publication before considering it as a reliable source.

While government publications and conference proceedings may have characteristics of scholarly works, they are not always peer-reviewed. Therefore, it is necessary to assess each government publication and material found in conference proceedings to ensure their suitability for research purposes.

Types of Sources:

In research, it is essential to evaluate various types of sources, including online and print journal articles, websites, books, and newspaper articles. Scholarly publications, although more specialized, do not typically disseminate research findings. However, they may report on forthcoming scholarly publications. On the other hand, popular publications, such as Publishers Weekly or Variety, contain more advertising but are targeted to specific fields.

The Transformative Power of EMDR Therapy:

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapy treatment designed to alleviate distress associated with traumatic memories. The therapy focuses on facilitating the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences. EMDR therapy aims to bring these memories to an adaptive resolution, relieving affective distress, reformulating negative beliefs, and reducing physiological arousal.

During EMDR therapy, the client attends to emotionally disturbing material while simultaneously focusing on an external stimulus. The most commonly used external stimulus is therapist-directed lateral eye movements, but other stimuli like hand-tapping and audio stimulation can also be utilized. The therapy hypothesizes that by accessing the traumatic memory network, information processing is enhanced, leading to complete information processing, new learning, elimination of emotional distress, and cognitive insights.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Evaluate the credibility of your information sources by considering if they are scholarly or popular. Scholarly sources are typically peer-reviewed and written by experts in the field.
  • 2. Assess the expertise of the author and the criteria of a scholarly publication to determine its reliability.
  • 3. Consider the characteristics of different source types and their suitability for your research purposes.


Evaluating information sources is crucial in research to ensure the credibility and reliability of the information used. Scholarly sources provide in-depth knowledge, while popular sources may be more specialized. Additionally, EMDR therapy showcases the transformative power of psychotherapy in healing from the distress associated with traumatic memories. By understanding the importance of evaluating information sources and utilizing therapies like EMDR, researchers and individuals can enhance their knowledge and well-being.

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