The Importance of Reclaiming Our Connection with the Earth and Our Bodies

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Apr 15, 2024

4 min read


The Importance of Reclaiming Our Connection with the Earth and Our Bodies

In a world that is constantly bombarded with information and technology, it is easy to lose touch with the natural world and our own bodies. We have become so accustomed to living in a mechanistic and disconnected society that we have forgotten how to truly connect with the Earth and ourselves.

The Foundation for Gaian Studies, founded by individuals who understand the importance of this connection, emphasizes the significance of trusting our instincts and the touch of the world upon us. They believe that by reestablishing this connection, we can find our path and navigate through life with a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Walt Whitman once said, "Be not discouraged, keep on, there are divine things well envelop'd, I swear to you there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell." This quote reminds us that there is a beauty and wisdom in the natural world that goes beyond what we can comprehend through language alone. The Foundation for Gaian Studies aims to uncover the true nature of our existence and the world we inhabit, as the stories we have been told from birth often distort our perception of reality.

The information we have absorbed as an accurate description of the world acts as a lens that covers our eyes, limiting our ability to see beyond what we have been conditioned to see. Breaking free from these limitations is not simply a matter of gathering more information; it requires a fundamental shift in our perception and understanding of ourselves and the world.

To decolonize ourselves from the rationalist mindset that dominates Western society, we must reclaim our capacity to feel the touch of the world upon us. This act of reclamation is the first step towards reconnecting with the Earth and embracing our interbeing with the world. It is a form of disobedience against the dissociated mentation that has disconnected us from our true nature.

Gregory Bateson once described mechanomorphism as an epistemological mistake that isolates us from the world and alienates us from our surroundings. We must recognize that we have reached a crisis point in our habitation of Earth, and the solution lies in reclaiming our damaged ecosystems starting with the ecological reclamation of ourselves.

The Earth is speaking to each and every one of us, urging us to allow the old wisdom to come forth once more. We are called to do the work that only our unique genius can express, and it will take millions of us working together to address the problems that have captured our attention.

In a different context, the concept of circadian rhythm disruption also highlights the importance of reconnecting with our bodies and the natural rhythms of life. Our bodies have their own internal clocks that help regulate various processes, such as the timely supply of energy to the rest of the body. However, modern lifestyles filled with late-night meals, light pollution, and electronic devices have disrupted our natural circadian rhythms, leading to chronic health conditions like obesity and diabetes.

To maintain a healthy circadian rhythm, it is crucial to develop an eating schedule that aligns with our body's internal clock. This means having a clear separation between the fed period (typically during the day) and the fasted period (typically during the night). While this may be challenging for shift workers, it is essential to find strategies that can help maintain a healthy eating schedule.

In conclusion, reestablishing our connection with the Earth and our bodies is vital for our overall well-being and the health of the planet. The Foundation for Gaian Studies advocates for trusting our instincts and embracing the touch of the world upon us. Similarly, maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm by aligning our eating habits with our body's internal clock is crucial for preventing chronic health conditions. By taking action to reconnect with the natural world and prioritize our well-being, we can create a more harmonious and sustainable future for ourselves and the planet.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Spend time in nature regularly and allow yourself to feel the touch of the Earth upon you. This can help you reconnect with your instincts and develop a deeper sense of connection with the natural world.
  • 2. Practice mindful eating by developing an eating schedule that aligns with your body's internal clock. This means having a clear separation between the fed period and the fasted period, even if it requires adjusting your daily routine.
  • 3. Engage in activities that allow you to express your unique genius and contribute to the restoration of our damaged ecosystems. Find ways to collaborate with others who share your passion and create solutions to the problems that have captured your attention. Remember that it will take collective effort to bring about meaningful change.

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