Understanding the Gestalt Principles and Embracing Ecological Reclamation

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 08, 2024

4 min read


Understanding the Gestalt Principles and Embracing Ecological Reclamation


The Gestalt principles, often referred to as "laws," are fundamental principles of perception that help us make sense of the world around us. These principles act as mental shortcuts, allowing our brains to simplify complex objects and patterns. Similarly, the Foundation for Gaian Studies emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with the natural world and reclaiming our ecological roots. By understanding both the Gestalt principles and the principles of ecological reclamation, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship with the environment.

The Law of Prägnanz:

The law of Prägnanz, also known as the law of good figure or the law of simplicity, states that when faced with ambiguous or complex objects, our brain simplifies them to appear as simple as possible. For example, when we see the Olympic logo, we perceive overlapping circles rather than a jumble of curved lines. This principle reflects our brain's tendency to organize information in a way that is easiest to comprehend. The German term "prägnanz" translates to "good figure," highlighting our brain's inclination towards simplicity and clarity.

Trusting the Touch of the Earth:

The Foundation for Gaian Studies emphasizes the importance of trusting our feelings when experiencing the touch of the natural world. Our hearts hold the key to finding our path in the wildness of the world. As Walt Whitman beautifully expressed, there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell. However, our perception of the world is often clouded by the stories and narratives we have been taught since birth. These narratives act as a lens, limiting our ability to see beyond what we have been trained to see.

Reclaiming Our Capacity to Feel:

To decolonize ourselves and reconnect with the Earth, we must first reclaim our capacity to feel its touch. This act of reclamation is not easy, as it requires altering the very fabric of our lives and cultures. We must walk away from dissociated thinking and embrace anthropomorphism, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all living beings. Mechanomorphism, on the other hand, alienates us from the world and isolates us from the companionship and care it offers.

Ecological Reclamation:

We are currently facing a crisis in our habitation of Earth, and the solution does not lie in top-down expert pronouncements. The first step in ecological reclamation is reclaiming ourselves. The Earth is speaking to each and every one of us, urging us to allow the old wisdom to come forth once more. Each of us has a unique role to play in this reclamation, guided by a deeper calling that only our individual genius can express. From herbalists to permaculturists, organic farmers to artisans, millions of people worldwide are working towards solutions that address the problems that captivate their attention.


Understanding the Gestalt principles allows us to recognize how our brains simplify and make sense of the world. Similarly, embracing ecological reclamation encourages us to reconnect with the natural world and recognize our interconnectedness with all living beings. To embark on this journey, we must trust our feelings, reclaim our capacity to feel, and actively participate in the ecological reclamation of ourselves and our surroundings.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Take time to reconnect with nature: Spend time in natural environments and allow yourself to be touched by the world around you. Listen to the sounds, feel the textures, and observe the beauty that surrounds you.
  • 2. Challenge your preconceived notions: Question the narratives and stories you have been taught about the world. Seek alternative perspectives and challenge the mechanomorphic view that isolates us from our environment.
  • 3. Find your unique path: Discover your individual calling and how it aligns with the needs of the world. Embrace your unique genius and contribute to the collective effort of ecological reclamation.

In embracing the principles of Gestalt psychology and ecological reclamation, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. By trusting our feelings, reclaiming our capacity to feel, and actively participating in the reclamation of ourselves and our environment, we can work towards a more sustainable and harmonious future.

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