The Power of Gestalt Principles in Creating Pathways to Education

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 03, 2024

3 min read


The Power of Gestalt Principles in Creating Pathways to Education


The Gestalt principles, often referred to as principles rather than laws, are mental shortcuts that help our brains make sense of complex or ambiguous objects. Similarly, in the realm of education, creating pathways to opportunity for learners of all ages and stages requires a set of principles that simplify the process and ensure equitable access to high-quality education. This article explores the intersection of Gestalt principles and the mission to provide education for all.

The Law of Prägnanz:

The law of Prägnanz, also known as the law of good figure or the law of simplicity, states that our brains tend to perceive complex objects as simple as possible. For example, when we look at the Olympic logo, we see overlapping circles rather than a jumble of curved lines. This principle can be applied to the field of education by simplifying the pathway to learning opportunities. By breaking down barriers and streamlining the process, learners can more easily access the education they desire.

Creating Equitable Access:

To truly provide equitable access to education, it is essential to partner with esteemed institutions, just as 2U does. By collaborating with these institutions, 2U strives to offer learners of all backgrounds the necessary skills, knowledge, and support to thrive throughout their lives. This aligns with the principle of simplicity, as it eliminates unnecessary hurdles and ensures that pathways to education are clear and accessible.

The Urgency and Significance of the Work:

Recent data highlights the urgency and significance of creating pathways to education. By 2030, more than 120 million new learners worldwide will be seeking access to higher education. This staggering number emphasizes the need for streamlined processes and simplified pathways. Additionally, within the United States, the majority of current and prospective college students believe that a college education holds equal or greater importance than it did two decades ago. However, only a small percentage believe that most or all Americans can access quality, affordable education. This data underscores the importance of Gestalt principles in creating more accessible education systems.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace technology: Technology has the power to simplify and streamline the learning process. By leveraging digital platforms, online courses, and educational tools, institutions can provide learners with flexible and accessible learning opportunities. Embracing technology can break down geographical barriers and make education available to individuals who may not have had access otherwise.
  • 2. Foster collaboration: Collaboration between institutions, organizations, and educators is key to creating effective pathways to education. By working together, sharing resources, and pooling expertise, we can create a cohesive and interconnected educational ecosystem. This collaborative approach aligns with the principle of simplicity, as it eliminates duplication and ensures that learners have a clear roadmap to follow.
  • 3. Prioritize affordability: Making education truly accessible requires addressing affordability concerns. By offering scholarships, financial aid, and alternative funding options, institutions can remove financial barriers and create more equitable access to education. This principle of simplicity ensures that learners are not deterred by financial constraints and can pursue their educational goals without undue burden.


In the pursuit of creating pathways to education, the principles of Gestalt psychology offer valuable insights. By simplifying complex systems, breaking down barriers, and fostering collaboration, we can ensure that learners of all ages and stages have equitable access to high-quality education. Embracing technology, prioritizing affordability, and partnering with esteemed institutions are actionable steps towards achieving this goal. By applying these principles, we can create a future where education is truly accessible to all.

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