The Power of Brand-Building Ads and Equitable Access to Education

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 21, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Brand-Building Ads and Equitable Access to Education


In today's fast-paced and highly competitive world, businesses are constantly striving to find effective strategies to boost their sales and establish a strong brand presence. Simultaneously, there is a growing need to provide equitable access to high-quality education for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Surprisingly, these two seemingly unrelated concepts share common ground when it comes to their impact and significance. This article explores the correlation between brand-building ads and educational opportunities, highlighting how both contribute to short-term results and long-term benefits.

The Misconception of Brand-Building Ads:

For years, there has been a misconception that long-term brand-building ads only serve to establish brand presence and have little impact on short-term sales. This belief created a divide between brand-building ads and separate short, activation ads. However, recent studies have challenged this notion, revealing that there is a strong correlation between the two. In fact, in nine out of ten cases, an ad that effectively builds a brand also drives short-term sales. This discovery should reshape the perception of long-term brand building, which has often been dismissed as a frivolous investment with limited immediate impact.

The Importance of Strategic Brand-Building:

The power of long-term brand building lies in its ability to create a lasting impact on consumers. These ads focus on building brand awareness, targeting the top of the funnel (TOFU), and appealing to the mass market through emotional messaging. By establishing a strong brand presence, companies can cultivate trust, loyalty, and recognition among consumers. This, in turn, leads to increased sales and customer retention over time. It is crucial for marketers to understand the paradigmatic differences between long-term brand building and short-term activation ads to create successful campaigns that effectively straddle both approaches.

Equitable Access to Education:

While brand-building ads play a vital role in driving sales and establishing brand identity, there is another critical aspect that demands attention – equitable access to education. In an increasingly interconnected world, education has become a necessity for personal growth and career advancement. However, access to quality education remains a challenge for many individuals. By 2030, there will be over 120 million new learners worldwide seeking higher education. Within the United States, the majority of college students believe that a college education is more important than ever, yet only a small percentage believe that most or all Americans have access to affordable education.

Creating Pathways to Opportunity:

To address the pressing need for equitable access to education, organizations like 2U have emerged with a mission to provide high-quality education to learners of all backgrounds. By partnering with esteemed institutions, they strive to offer the necessary skills, knowledge, and support to individuals at every age and stage of their lives. This commitment to education not only opens doors for personal growth but also contributes to a more inclusive and prosperous society.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Marketers should reframe their proposed campaigns as "lasting" rather than "long." By highlighting the long-term brand-building effects of ads, they can increase their chances of gaining budget approval from CFOs.
  • 2. Businesses should invest in both long-term brand building and short-term activation ads to create a comprehensive marketing strategy. Understanding the paradigmatic differences between the two approaches is crucial for successful ad campaigns.
  • 3. Governments, educational institutions, and organizations must collaborate to ensure equitable access to education. By investing in initiatives that provide quality and affordable education, we can empower individuals to thrive in today's knowledge-driven economy.


The correlation between brand-building ads and equitable access to education reveals the interconnectedness of seemingly unrelated concepts. Both play a crucial role in driving short-term sales and establishing long-term benefits. By understanding the power of brand building and the significance of education, individuals and businesses can create pathways to opportunity for themselves and others. By implementing the actionable advice provided, we can build a future where education is accessible to all, and brands thrive through strategic marketing efforts.

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