LEGO® Serious Play® for Theory U: Learn to Lead from the Future

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 02, 2024

4 min read


LEGO® Serious Play® for Theory U: Learn to Lead from the Future


In today's rapidly changing world, leaders must be equipped with the skills and mindset to navigate uncertainty and drive innovation. This is where the Theory U model, developed by Otto Scharmer, comes into play. By encouraging individuals to dissociate themselves from their habitual way of thinking, Theory U enables them to tap into their personal leadership potential and contribute to solutions that align with the needs of society. In this article, we will explore how the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) Method can be a powerful tool to enhance the Theory U approach and foster meaningful and lasting change within organizations and educational institutions.

Understanding Theory U and Personal Leadership

At the core of Theory U is the concept of "presencing," which combines the notions of "presence" and "sensing." It emphasizes that the realization of future potential is dependent on individuals coming together and opening their minds to new ideas. This involves overcoming obstructions, such as preconceived thoughts and emotions, and embracing a different way of thinking. As the Theory U model suggests, this process moves from the left-hand side of the U, where individuals open their minds, to the right-hand side, where new ideas are integrated and put into practice.

Personal leadership, as a paradigm, offers a framework for approaching various aspects of leading, including problem-solving and change facilitation, in ways that align with contemporary demands. Anchored in transformational and transcendent leadership theory, personal leadership empowers leaders to create organizational climates that nurture and harness every individual's innate creative ability.

The Role of LEGO® Serious Play® Method

LEGO® Serious Play® Method is a facilitation technique that enhances group problem-solving and decision-making processes. It involves participants building 3D LEGO® models in response to specific questions posed by the facilitator. These models serve as a basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, and collaborative problem-solving.

What makes the LEGO® Serious Play® Method unique is its ability to engage participants on multiple levels - visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. This approach ensures that every participant has a voice and encourages active learning and listening. By providing a shared language through the use of LEGO® elements, the Method transcends cultural and positional barriers, enabling diverse groups to collaborate effectively.

Connecting Theory U and LEGO® Serious Play® Method

When we combine the principles of Theory U and the LEGO® Serious Play® Method, we create a powerful synergy. The Theory U model's emphasis on opening the mind and embracing new ideas aligns with the creative and innovative mindset fostered by the LEGO® Serious Play® Method. By using LEGO® elements to build 3D models, participants can externalize their thoughts and tap into their subconscious, enabling them to access new perspectives and insights.

Moreover, the group discussions and knowledge sharing that follow the building process provide an opportunity for participants to engage in deep dialogue, challenge assumptions, and collectively explore solutions. This collaborative approach resonates with the Theory U model's emphasis on "presencing" and the idea that future potential is realized through the collective efforts of individuals.

Actionable Advice

To leverage the power of LEGO® Serious Play® for Theory U and enhance personal leadership, consider the following actionable advice:

  • 1. Embrace Creativity and Playfulness: Encourage a culture of creativity and play within your organization or educational institution. Provide opportunities for individuals to explore ideas, experiment with new approaches, and take risks. By creating a safe space for creativity, you can unlock the full potential of your team or students.
  • 2. Foster Collaborative Problem-Solving: Implement the LEGO® Serious Play® Method as a regular practice for group problem-solving sessions. By giving every participant a voice and utilizing the power of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning, you can tap into the collective intelligence of your team and drive innovative solutions.
  • 3. Continuously Learn and Adapt: Personal leadership requires a growth mindset and a commitment to continuous learning. Encourage individuals to reflect on their experiences, seek feedback, and adapt their approaches accordingly. By nurturing a learning culture, you can empower your team or students to embrace change and contribute to meaningful and lasting transformation.


In a world characterized by complexity and rapid change, leaders must embrace new approaches to navigate uncertainty and drive innovation. The Theory U model provides a valuable framework for personal leadership, emphasizing the importance of opening the mind and embracing new ideas. By incorporating the LEGO® Serious Play® Method into the Theory U approach, organizations and educational institutions can enhance their problem-solving capabilities, foster collaboration, and bring about meaningful and lasting change. So, let us embrace creativity, foster collaboration, and commit to continuous learning as we lead from the future.

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