The Power of Design and Play in Personal Development and Professional Growth

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Oct 12, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Design and Play in Personal Development and Professional Growth


Building a strong portfolio and developing personal leadership skills are two essential aspects of personal development and professional growth. While they may seem unrelated at first, the principles behind creating a portfolio and utilizing LEGO® Serious Play® Method for Theory U share common ground. In this article, we will explore the connection between these two concepts and how they can contribute to your success.

Creating a Skimmable Portfolio:

When designing your portfolio, it is crucial to remember that visitors may only skim through your site. To ensure they get a comprehensive understanding of your work, make it easy for them to scan and navigate. Break down your content into short paragraphs, include headings and explainer images, and showcase your design process through rough sketches and other visuals. By making your portfolio skimmable, you allow potential clients or employers to quickly grasp your skills and expertise.

Telling a Story through Your Portfolio:

A portfolio should not only showcase your work but also tell a story about how you conceptualize and execute design solutions. Before diving into the design details, it is essential to define the core purpose of your portfolio. Consider what information you need to include to achieve your purpose and how you want to express your story visually and in writing. By presenting your work as a narrative, you create a more engaging and memorable experience for your audience.

Theory U and Personal Leadership:

Theory U, developed by Otto Scharmer, offers a different way of thinking and personal leadership. It encourages individuals to dissociate themselves from their habitual thought patterns and contribute to solutions aligned with societal needs. The Theory U model, represented as a U shape, guides individuals through a process of opening their minds to new ideas, overcoming obstructions, and integrating innovative concepts. This approach allows for effective change and the practical application of new ideas.

The Role of LEGO® Serious Play® Method:

LEGO® Serious Play® Method is a powerful tool that can enhance personal leadership and promote creative problem-solving within organizations and educational institutions. The method involves using LEGO® elements to build 3D models in response to facilitator-led questions. These models serve as a basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and decision-making. By engaging participants' visual, auditory, and kinesthetic skills, the method creates a shared language and fosters collaboration and innovation.

Connecting Design and Play:

Design principles and play can intersect in unexpected ways. Both design and LEGO® Serious Play® Method require creativity, problem-solving, and effective communication. Incorporating playful elements into the design process can spark inspiration and encourage out-of-the-box thinking. Similarly, utilizing design thinking principles in play can enhance problem-solving skills and promote innovation. By embracing the connection between design and play, you can harness their combined power for personal and professional growth.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize skimmability: When creating your portfolio, ensure that it is easy to scan and navigate. Break down your content into short paragraphs, use headings and explainer images, and include visuals that showcase your design process.
  • 2. Embrace storytelling: Instead of merely presenting your work, tell a compelling story that highlights your design thinking process and problem-solving abilities. This narrative approach will engage your audience and leave a lasting impression.
  • 3. Incorporate play in your creative process: Whether you're designing a new project or facing a problem, approach it with a playful mindset. Embrace experimentation, take risks, and allow yourself to think outside the box. Playfulness can lead to innovative solutions and unexpected breakthroughs.


Building a strong portfolio and developing personal leadership skills are essential for personal growth and professional success. By creating a skimmable portfolio that tells a compelling story, you can effectively showcase your skills and expertise. Additionally, incorporating LEGO® Serious Play® Method into your personal leadership journey can enhance problem-solving and foster innovation. Embrace the connection between design and play, and leverage their combined power to unlock your full potential.

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