The Power of LEGO® Serious Play® for Personal Leadership and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 09, 2023

3 min read


The Power of LEGO® Serious Play® for Personal Leadership and Autism Spectrum Disorder


In our ever-changing world, personal leadership has become crucial for individuals to navigate complex challenges and drive meaningful change. At the same time, understanding and supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is essential for creating an inclusive society. Surprisingly, these two seemingly unrelated topics find common ground in the innovative approach of LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP). In this article, we explore how LSP can enhance personal leadership skills and contribute to a more nuanced understanding of ASD.

Theory U and Personal Leadership:

Theory U, developed by Otto Scharmer, offers a framework for personal leadership and a different way of thinking. It encourages individuals to dissociate from their habitual patterns of thinking and tap into future potential. By opening their minds to new ideas and overcoming obstructions, individuals can effectively embrace change and integrate innovative solutions. This approach aligns with the principles of personal leadership, empowering individuals to solve problems and facilitate change processes in contemporary contexts.

LEGO® Serious Play® Method for Personal Leadership:

LEGO® Serious Play® Method provides a powerful tool to embed creative mindsets and skillsets within organizations and educational institutions. This facilitated meeting and problem-solving process utilizes visual, auditory, and kinesthetic skills to engage participants. Through a series of questions, participants build 3D LEGO® models that serve as a basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, and decision making. This method fosters a shared language and encourages active participation, regardless of cultural or positional differences.

Actionable Advice for Personal Leadership:

1. Embrace Disruption:

To cultivate personal leadership skills, it is essential to embrace disruption and let go of preconceived notions. Just as the Theory U model suggests, be open to new ideas and challenge your habitual thinking patterns. Seek out opportunities to engage in activities like LEGO® Serious Play® to stimulate creativity and foster innovative problem-solving.

2. Foster Inclusive Collaboration:

Personal leadership is not about individual achievement but rather about harnessing the collective intelligence of a diverse group. Create an inclusive environment where everyone's voice is heard and valued. The LEGO® Serious Play® Method provides a structured approach to encourage collaboration and ensure that every participant has a chance to contribute their unique perspective.

Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Importance of Individuality:

In the context of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the shift from diagnosing Asperger's as ASD Level I highlights the need for individualized support. While the level of support may be low, the nature of support required differs for each individual. It is crucial to move away from general labels and focus on specific descriptors that highlight individual signs and symptoms.

Actionable Advice for Understanding ASD:

1. Embrace Neurodiversity:

Recognize that ASD is a spectrum and each individual's experience is unique. Embrace neurodiversity by celebrating the strengths and talents that individuals with ASD bring to the table. Avoid generalizations and take the time to understand each person's specific needs and abilities.

2. Create Inclusive Environments:

Incorporate inclusive practices in organizations and educational institutions to support individuals with ASD. Implement sensory-friendly spaces, provide clear communication strategies, and offer tailored support systems. By fostering an inclusive environment, we can create opportunities for individuals with ASD to thrive and contribute their unique perspectives.


LEGO® Serious Play® Method offers a powerful approach for enhancing personal leadership skills and understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder. By embracing the principles of Theory U and utilizing the inclusive nature of LSP, individuals can tap into their creative potential and foster meaningful change. Through actionable advice such as embracing disruption, fostering inclusive collaboration, embracing neurodiversity, and creating inclusive environments, we can create a future where personal leadership and understanding of ASD are valued and integrated into our society.


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