Navigating Employment Rights: Lessons from Journalism and ADHD

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 15, 2023

3 min read


Navigating Employment Rights: Lessons from Journalism and ADHD


Understanding our employment rights is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. In this article, we will explore two seemingly unrelated topics - journalism and ADHD - to uncover common points and actionable advice that can benefit employees in any field.

Section 1: Journalism and Editorial Freedom

In Germany, journalists at Stern magazine have a detailed statute that guarantees their editorial freedoms. The statute emphasizes the independence of the magazine from political parties, business corporations, and interest groups. It highlights the importance of informing and entertaining readers while upholding free, democratic systems and progressive liberal principles. Journalists at Stern cannot be forced to go against their convictions, and they are protected from any consequences that may arise from such refusal. Additionally, an advisory board, elected by secret ballot, represents the interests of the editorial staff.

Section 2: ADHD and Employment Rights

Individuals with ADHD often face challenges in meeting performance targets at work. However, it is crucial to understand the employment rights that protect individuals with ADHD. Section 29 of the Employment Relations Act 2000 in New Zealand requires employers to provide reasonable aids to assist employees in meeting their performance expectations. This means that employers should work with employees to determine the aids and supports necessary for success. Employees also have the right to request variations to their working arrangements under specific circumstances, and employers must respond within one month, considering all the circumstances before making a decision.

Section 3: Finding Common Ground

Despite the apparent differences between journalism and ADHD, there are common points that can be drawn from both topics. Both highlight the importance of understanding one's rights, advocating for oneself, and seeking accommodations when needed. Journalists at Stern demand editorial freedom, while individuals with ADHD require reasonable aids and supports to thrive in the workplace.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Educate Yourself: Take the time to understand your employment rights and the specific legislation that protects you. This knowledge will empower you to advocate for yourself effectively.
  • 2. Communicate Openly: Whether you're a journalist or someone with ADHD, open and honest communication with your employer is essential. Clearly articulate your needs, challenges, and potential solutions, fostering a collaborative work environment.
  • 3. Seek Professional Guidance: Consulting with professionals such as psychiatrists or specialists can provide valuable insights and recommendations for accommodations that may benefit individuals with ADHD. Similarly, seeking legal advice regarding employment rights can help journalists navigate complex situations.


By examining the principles of editorial freedom in journalism and the employment rights of individuals with ADHD, we can find common ground and actionable advice applicable to any employee. Remember to educate yourself, communicate openly, and seek professional guidance when necessary. By understanding and asserting your rights, you can create a supportive and productive work environment.

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