Marshall, a self-proclaimed mad scientist, embodies the concept of "personal science" as coined by Josh Kaufman. Just like the journalists employed at Stern magazine in Germany, Marshall's pursuit of knowledge and experimentation is driven by a strong belief in the freedom to explore and discover without being bound by any external influences or interests.

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 23, 2023

3 min read


Marshall, a self-proclaimed mad scientist, embodies the concept of "personal science" as coined by Josh Kaufman. Just like the journalists employed at Stern magazine in Germany, Marshall's pursuit of knowledge and experimentation is driven by a strong belief in the freedom to explore and discover without being bound by any external influences or interests.

In the "Election Reporting Handbook" of Stern magazine, Article 1 clearly emphasizes the magazine's independence from political parties, business corporations, and interest groups. Similarly, Marshall's approach to personal science is rooted in the belief that true scientific exploration should not be influenced by any external agendas or pressures. He believes in the power of unbiased, free-thinking exploration to uncover new insights and push the boundaries of knowledge.

Furthermore, both Stern magazine and Marshall prioritize the importance of informing and entertaining their respective audiences. Stern aims to provide its readers with accurate and engaging information, while Marshall seeks to captivate and inspire others with his unconventional approach to science. Both entities understand the value of presenting complex subjects in a way that is both informative and enjoyable for their audiences.

Another common point between the two is the emphasis on individual autonomy and conviction. The "Election Reporting Handbook" explicitly states that journalists or employees of Stern cannot be forced to carry out tasks or write anything against their convictions. Similarly, Marshall's personal science is driven by his own convictions and interests. He refuses to conform to societal norms or expectations, instead opting to follow his own path and explore the topics that genuinely intrigue him.

Incorporating unique ideas and insights, it becomes clear that both Stern magazine and Marshall embody a sense of dedication to progressive liberal principles. While Stern's journalists are expected to believe in a free, democratic system and subscribe to these principles, Marshall's personal science aligns with the ethos of progress and innovation. Both entities recognize the importance of pushing boundaries, challenging existing norms, and embracing new ideas to drive positive change.

Drawing from the shared values and principles of Stern magazine and Marshall's personal science, there are actionable advice that can be derived:

  • 1. Embrace independence and autonomy: Just like the journalists at Stern magazine and Marshall, it is crucial to pursue your interests and passions without being influenced by external pressures. Embrace the freedom to explore and discover without any constraints.
  • 2. Prioritize informing and entertaining: Whether you're a journalist or a passionate scientist, focus on presenting information in a way that is both informative and enjoyable. Engage your audience through storytelling and captivating narratives to ensure that your message resonates.
  • 3. Embrace progressive thinking: Challenge the status quo and embrace progressive liberal principles. Be open to new ideas, perspectives, and approaches. Push boundaries and strive for innovation in your field of interest.

In conclusion, the parallel between Stern magazine's "Election Reporting Handbook" and Marshall's personal science sheds light on the importance of independence, autonomy, and progressive thinking in various domains. By understanding and incorporating these common points, individuals can empower themselves to pursue their passions, challenge existing norms, and contribute to the betterment of society.

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