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Books in Sports (32)
The Score Takes Care of Itself
Bill Walsh
The Sports Gene
David Epstein
Alex Hutchinson
Trading Bases
Joe Peta
A Most Beautiful Thing
Arshay Cooper
A Sense of Where You Are
John McPhee
Barbarian Days
William Finnegan
Billy Martin
Bill Pennington
Alexi Pappas
Marty Gallagher
Chess Fundamentals
Jose Capablanca
Every Shot Counts
Mark Broadie
Fast-Track Triathlete
Matt Dixon
Ford vs. Ferrari
John Starkey
Gridiron Genius
Michael Lombardi
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Hold 'em Poker
David Sklansky
Lasker's Manual of Chess
Emanuel Lasker
Alex Ferguson
Letters To A Young Athlete
Chris Bosh
Levels of the Game
John McPhee
Michael Jordan
Roland Lazenby
Mint Condition
Dave Jamieson
Tim Grover
String Theory
David Foster Wallace
The Boys in the Boat
Daniel James Brown
The Essential Wooden
John Wooden
The Hot Hand
Ben Cohen
The Professor in the Cage
Jonathan Gottschall
The TB12 Method
Tom Brady
Zen in the Art of Archery
Eugen Herrigel
Zurich International Chess Tournament, 1953
David Bronstein