YouTube Tips To Help You Grow Your Channel | Summary and Q&A

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YouTube Tips To Help You Grow Your Channel


Learn about YouTube Q&A, TubeBuddy, StreamYard, and strategies for increasing RPM and engagement.

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Key Insights

  • 🫒 TubeBuddy and StreamYard provide valuable tools for optimizing YouTube videos and live streams.
  • ❓ Understanding RPM and CPM is essential for maximizing revenue opportunities on YouTube.
  • ☠️ Thumbnail and title testing can significantly impact click-through rates and video performance.
  • 🧍 Focus on delivering valuable content that resonates with your target audience to stand out in competitive niches.


welcome to nimin live the number one place on the internet to learn about YouTube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is Nick and today I'm answering your YouTube questions so if you have a question about what it is that you are doing on YouTube there's a form down in the description right now where you can... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I increase RPM based on conversations I've had with other creators?

Consider the countries where your audience is watching, as ad rates vary by location. Use analytics to identify videos with higher CPM and RPM and replicate their success.

Q: Is it a good idea to change titles and thumbnails of videos that aren't performing well?

It's better to avoid deleting and re-uploading videos. Instead, update thumbnails and titles to optimize for better click-through rates. Use YouTube analytics to track performance.

Q: How can I monetize my channel with affiliate links and merchandise?

Double down on affiliate marketing by promoting relevant products in your content and using compelling graphics or call-to-actions. Make sure your merchandise reflects your brand and appeals to your audience.

Q: How do I stand out in the gaming niche on YouTube?

Analyze other gaming content creators and find unique ways to differentiate yourself. Consider A/B testing thumbnails and titles to see what resonates best with your target audience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • In this video, the host answers audience questions about YouTube, with a focus on RPM optimization and increasing revenue.

  • The importance of using TubeBuddy and StreamYard for optimizing videos and live streams is highlighted.

  • Tips are provided on how to increase RPM through targeting specific countries with higher ad rates and creating engaging content.

  • Strategies for standing out in the gaming, cooking, and educational niches are discussed, such as A/B testing thumbnails and titles and analyzing analytics for audience retention and click-through rates.

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