YouTube Tips To Grow Your Channel | Summary and Q&A

November 30, 2016
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
YouTube Tips To Grow Your Channel


Learn how to optimize your channel page, utilize YouTube SEO, upload more videos, plan your content, create quality videos, research popular topics, improve your intro, engage with viewers, practice your craft, and educate yourself on YouTube to gain more views and subscribers.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Optimizing your channel page and utilizing YouTube SEO are vital for gaining views and subscribers.
  • 💗 Uploading more videos increases your chances of attracting viewers and growing your subscriber base.
  • 🫵 Proper planning, creating valuable content, and engaging with your viewers helps build a loyal community and attracts more subscribers.
  • ☠️ Researching popular topics and improving your intro can help increase view counts and retention rates.
  • ❓ Quality production and valuable content are essential for attracting and retaining subscribers.
  • 🉐 Practice and continuous learning are crucial for improving your content and gaining more subscribers.


  • I'm gonna give you 10 tips that are gonna get you more views and more subscribers on YouTube in the coming years. And we're starting right now. (hip hop music) What is going on? Welcome to another video. My name is Nick. If this your first time here and you wanna grow your YouTube channel and you wanna learn how to make videos and all types of ot... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can setting up my channel page properly help me gain more views and subscribers?

Setting up your channel page properly makes it easier for viewers to navigate, understand your content, and make the decision to subscribe. This includes organizing your channel into playlists, filling out your about page with relevant information, and using channel keywords.

Q: Why is YouTube SEO important for gaining views and subscribers?

YouTube SEO helps your videos rank higher in search results, making it more likely that people will find and watch them. By optimizing your titles, tags, and descriptions, you increase the chances of your videos being discovered by viewers interested in your content.

Q: Why should I upload more videos to gain subscribers?

Each video you upload acts as a doorway to your channel, increasing the chances of someone finding and subscribing to your content. The more videos you have, the more opportunities you have to attract views, likes, comments, and subscribers.

Q: How can planning my videos help me reach my goals?

When you plan your videos with your goals in mind, you create a roadmap that leads to the desired outcome. Each video becomes a block of cement on the road to where you want to be, and planning helps ensure that every video contributes to the overall direction of your channel.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Setting up your channel page properly is crucial for gaining views and subscribers. This includes organizing your channel into playlists, filling out your about page, and using channel keywords.

  • Learning about YouTube SEO is essential for ranking your videos in search results and getting them in front of more people.

  • Uploading more videos increases your chances of getting views, as each video acts as a doorway to your channel.

  • Proper planning of your videos, knowing your goals, and creating valuable content that helps others are key to attracting more subscribers and views.

  • Researching popular topics and making videos that people are actively searching for improves your chances of getting discovered.

  • Simplifying and improving your intro can help retain viewers and prevent them from clicking away.

  • Engaging with your viewers by responding to comments and checking out their channels helps build a community and encourages more subscribers.

  • Practicing and improving your video-making skills result in higher-quality content that attracts more engagement.

  • Educating yourself about YouTube, watching videos from other creators in the same field, and staying up-to-date with trends and changes on the platform are crucial for success.

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