YouTube Channel Growth Tips from Pro Youtubers LIVE | Summary and Q&A

April 25, 2020
Nick Nimmin
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YouTube Channel Growth Tips from Pro Youtubers LIVE


Learn how to effectively grow your YouTube channel by understanding your niche, creating valuable content, and optimizing your videos for maximum visibility.

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Key Insights

  • 🏛️ Building a successful YouTube channel requires understanding your target audience and consistently delivering value through engaging content.
  • 🆕 Experimentation with different types of videos, like remixes or compilations, can help keep your channel fresh and attract new viewers.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Thumbnails, titles, and audience retention are important factors to consider in optimizing your videos for maximum visibility and audience engagement.
  • 👶 Leveraging your existing YouTube audience to share your content on other social media platforms can help expand your reach and attract new subscribers.


what is going on welcome to another Saturday livestream my name is Nick and you are watching nimman live the number one place on the internet to learn about YouTube hang out with other content creators in the chat and have an awesome time doing it my name is Nick and today we are gonna be talking about YouTube how to grow your channel how to get vi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I continue creating content when the subject I cover is currently unavailable?

If you are unable to create content that requires specific locations or situations, consider repurposing your existing videos to create remix-type content or compilations. Additionally, create list videos or provide useful tips and advice related to your niche while waiting for your main content to become available again.

Q: How do I effectively promote my YouTube videos on other social media platforms?

The best way to promote your videos on other platforms is by creating high-quality content on YouTube that encourages viewers to react and engage. By focusing on making exceptional videos, you can leverage your existing audience on YouTube to share your content on other social media platforms, organically expanding your reach.

Q: What is the best way to revive an inactive YouTube channel?

To revive an inactive channel, start by analyzing your previous content and identifying what worked and what didn't. Experiment with different types of thumbnails, titles, and content to see what resonates with your target audience. Additionally, consider repackaging your existing content and creating compilation or remix videos to provide fresh content for your viewers.

Q: How can I effectively convert my Instagram followers into YouTube subscribers?

While converting Instagram followers into YouTube subscribers can be challenging, focus on providing value and engaging with your audience on both platforms. Mention and link your YouTube channel in your Instagram posts and stories, encouraging followers to check out your YouTube content. Consistently share previews or teasers of your YouTube videos on Instagram to generate interest and drive traffic to your channel.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The livestream discusses various strategies for growing your YouTube channel, including tips on increasing views, engaging with your audience, and utilizing YouTube plugins like TubeBuddy to enhance your content creation process.

  • The host emphasizes the importance of experimenting with different types of content, such as remix videos, compilation videos, and list videos, to keep your channel fresh and engaging for viewers.

  • He also encourages creators to focus on improving thumbnails and titles and conducting regular analysis of audience retention to understand how viewers respond to their content.

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