You’re Not Stupid: How to Easily Learn Difficult Things | Summary and Q&A

June 7, 2022
Elizabeth Filips
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You’re Not Stupid: How to Easily Learn Difficult Things


A medical student shares their systematic approach to teaching themselves difficult topics, using curiosity, emotional investment, question-answering, and creating false deadlines.

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Key Insights

  • 🔍 Neurology is often seen as a difficult topic to study, but breaking it down and placing it in a broader context can make it more interesting and engaging.
  • 🔑 Placing topics in a real-life context and connecting them to personal experiences can increase curiosity and emotional investment in the subject matter.
  • 🌟 Leveraging curiosity and emotional investment in learning can make the process more enjoyable and effective.
  • 🔎 Deep diving into specific aspects of a topic, guided by personal curiosity, can lead to a more in-depth understanding of complex subjects.
  • 🗂️ Interweaving the process of reading, learning, and answering questions on a topic can enhance understanding and long-term retention.
  • 🤔 Breeding on a topic and incorporating spaced repetition can aid in retention and solidify understanding over time. ⏰ Creating false deadlines can help manage time and create a sense of urgency in learning, as academic tasks often take longer than expected.
  • 💡 The process of teaching oneself difficult topics can be made more effective and enjoyable by incorporating real-life examples, emotional investment, curiosity, and interactive learning methods.


imagine what would happen if you suddenly decided to become a doctor spend the next seven to eight years having to absorb endless information on human anatomy physiology pharmacology behavior communication alongside skills and applications all into your brain that's what i decided to do and between sometimes shitty lectures council teaching and wor... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the speaker suggest broadening the context when studying a difficult topic?

The speaker recommends using external sources such as news articles or celebrity experiences related to the topic to make it more relevant and interesting. This helps to place the subject in a broader context.

Q: What role does emotional investment play in the speaker's learning process?

Emotional investment is crucial as it increases curiosity and motivation to learn. By understanding the emotional implications and consequences of not learning a topic, the speaker becomes more engaged and interested in the subject matter.

Q: How does the speaker approach deep diving into a difficult topic?

The speaker focuses on narrowing down on one specific aspect of the topic, typically something that stands out or piques their curiosity. They then conduct research, ask questions, and make logical jumps to understand the subject in-depth.

Q: Why does the speaker suggest answering questions or working on projects related to the topic?

Answering questions or completing projects allows for a more active engagement with the topic. It helps solidify understanding, identify knowledge gaps, and reinforces learning through continuous reference to textbooks and online sources.

Q: How does the speaker navigate the balance between familiarity and lack of familiarity with a topic?

The speaker acknowledges the importance of familiarity in understanding a topic but also warns against overestimating one's knowledge. They suggest periodically reviewing the material, creating space repetition, and setting false deadlines to maintain engagement and counteract the illusion of complete understanding.

Q: What is the significance of creating false deadlines in the learning process?

False deadlines help provide a sense of structure and urgency, allowing for better time management and focused studying. While the speaker recognizes that complete mastery may not be achieved within the set timeframe, it helps maintain progress and prevent procrastination.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker discusses their personal experience of teaching themselves difficult topics, particularly in the field of medicine.

  • They outline a six-step process, focusing on broadening the context, emotional investment, deep diving, answering questions/projects, brooding, and creating false deadlines.

  • By leveraging curiosity, emotional connections, and question-answering, the speaker finds a more effective and engaging way to learn challenging subjects.

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