Multipliers: 5 Easy, High-Leverage Changes I'm Making in 2023 | Summary and Q&A

January 3, 2023
Elizabeth Filips
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Multipliers: 5 Easy, High-Leverage Changes I'm Making in 2023


The content discusses five high-leverage changes that the author implemented in their life, including focusing on rock bottom for motivation, using a specific style of to-do list, working on strengths instead of weaknesses, developing a strong sense of self, and using drafts to solve problems.

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Key Insights

  • 🧠 Key Insight 1: Focusing on fresh starts and rock bottom moments can provide a surge of motivation and energy to achieve difficult goals.
  • πŸ’‘ Key Insight 2: Using a personalized to-do list and don't-do list can help prioritize tasks and avoid unnecessary stress.
  • 🌟 Key Insight 3: Investing more time in developing strengths rather than weaknesses can lead to better overall performance and satisfaction.
  • πŸ’ͺ Key Insight 4: Building a strong sense of self can reduce anxiety, improve productivity, and attract healthier relationships.
  • πŸ“ Key Insight 5: Creating drafts instead of immediately seeking solutions can prevent impulsive decision-making and provide space for better conclusions in the future.
  • πŸ” Key Insight 6: Logic and reasoning skills are essential in STEM fields and can greatly enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • 🎯 Key Insight 7: offers a valuable platform to improve logical reasoning and STEM knowledge through exercises and lessons.
  • ✨ Key Insight 8: It's important to challenge one's beliefs and not believe everything one thinks, as self-reflection and open-mindedness foster growth and understanding.


with every year that passes I don't know if I'm getting stupider or my life is getting harder because everything just seems to get more and more complicated the amount of emotional mental and financial requirements that are needed for me to even make it through and survive just seem to increase exponentially and therefore whenever I run into someth... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can focusing on rock bottom instead of end goals improve motivation?

Focusing on rock bottom creates a sense of urgency and motivation to take action towards improvement, as it helps distance oneself from negative past experiences and creates a fresh start mentality. This increased motivation can be leveraged to achieve difficult goals.

Q: What is the author's approach to using to-do lists?

The author divides their to-do lists into two columns: a to-do list and a don't do list. The to-do list contains tasks that need to be completed, while the don't do list includes things to avoid, such as time-wasting activities. This approach helps prioritize tasks and reduce compulsiveness while still maintaining productivity.

Q: Why does the author recommend focusing on strengths instead of weaknesses?

The author believes that investing energy and effort into weaknesses to make them average is inefficient and may lead to average performance. Instead, they recommend focusing on strengths, which not only leads to better performance but also compensates for weaknesses. By progressively improving strengths, one can achieve higher levels of success and fulfill their potential.

Q: How can developing a strong sense of self improve productivity and happiness?

Developing a strong sense of self allows individuals to recognize their emotions, desires, and priorities, leading to better decision-making and reduced anxiety. By understanding oneself better, individuals can navigate relationships and personal growth more effectively, leading to increased happiness and productivity.

Q: What is the benefit of using drafts to solve problems?

Using drafts allows individuals to come to immediate conclusions and relieve anxiety in the moment. However, recognizing the draft nature of these conclusions allows for reflection and consideration of better solutions in the future. This approach prevents rash decisions and allows for more thoughtful and informed choices to be made.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Focusing on rock bottom rather than end goals for motivation increases productivity and helps achieve difficult goals.

  • Using a specific style of to-do list, including a "don't do" list, helps prioritize tasks and avoid overwhelming compulsiveness.

  • Working on strengths and ignoring weaknesses can lead to better performance and a more fulfilling life.

  • Developing a strong sense of self and understanding one's feelings and desires reduces anxiety and improves relationships.

  • Using drafts to solve problems allows for immediate conclusions while recognizing they may not be final, leading to more thoughtful decisions.

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