Will Smith's LIFE ADVICE On Manifesting Success Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

April 19, 2021
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Will Smith's LIFE ADVICE On Manifesting Success Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Jay Shetty

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In this episode, Jay Shetty sits down with Will Smith to discuss his journey of personal growth and spirituality. They talk about the importance of introspection, the power of love and kindness, and the impact of childhood experiences on adulthood. Will shares his experiences with his grandmother, his father's military mindset, and the lessons he learned from studying world religions.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Will Smith approach difficulties with other people?

Will believes that difficulties with another person arise from ignorance and delusion. To improve any relationship, he focuses on purifying his own vision and approaching others from a place of love and understanding. This shift in perspective makes it easier to resolve conflicts and connect with others on a deeper level.

Q: How did Will Smith's upbringing shape his ability to connect with others?

Will grew up in a violent household, which made him develop a heightened emotional sense as a defense mechanism. He became hypersensitive to emotional movement in a room to ensure his father's safety. Over time, this sensitivity transformed into an ability to love and care for people, inspired by his grandmother's loving kindness.

Q: How did Will Smith process his difficult experiences positively?

Will acknowledges that seeking revenge is a natural reaction to mistreatment, but he discovered that seeking revenge only leads to self-destruction. Despite the difficult experiences in his life, he cultivated loving kindness, inspired by his grandmother's example. He models virtues like love, kindness, and forgiveness, finding positivity in even the most negative experiences.

Q: How did will Smith balance achievement mindset and loving kindness?

Will initially adopted a military-minded achievement mindset, focusing on reaching the top at all costs. However, he realized that even with all his success, his family was miserable. This realization prompted him to shift his mindset and prioritize the care and concern for others, understanding that this approach creates higher production and lasting happiness.

Q: How did Will Smith approach his father's death and learn to value every moment?

Will had a unique experience with his father's death as they were given a six-week warning by the doctors, but his father lived for four months. This period taught Will the importance of valuing each time they saw each other and said goodbye. He learned to live in the richness of hello's, goodbye's, and thank you's, realizing that tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

Q: Why did Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith decide to study world religions?

Will and Jada wanted to bond spiritually and intellectually as a couple, so they made a pact to study a different spiritual tradition each year. They studied books like the Bible, the Quran, Kabbalah, and Scientology, allowing them to understand different beliefs and concepts. They believe in the spirituality within these traditions while questioning the structures of organized religion.

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