Payal Kadakia ON: Imposter Syndrome, Ambition, & How to Succeed While Staying True to Your Passion | Summary and Q&A

February 14, 2022
Success Habits
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Payal Kadakia ON: Imposter Syndrome, Ambition, & How to Succeed While Staying True to Your Passion

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In this video, the host interviews Paul Kadakia, the founder of ClassPass and author of the book "Life Unpaused: Drop Your Limits, Rise to Your Potential." They discuss Paul's journey of discovering her purpose and living a life guided by love and passion. They also delve into topics such as solving problems, the importance of execution, staying grounded, and the power of mentorship. Paul shares valuable insights and practical advice for overcoming roadblocks and achieving success.

Questions & Answers

Q: When did Paul first understand the concept of purpose and living for something deeper?

Paul shares that she discovered her purpose at a young age, around four or five years old, when she performed dance at a family friend's party. It wasn't about gaining attention or popularity; it was the feeling of creating magic and joy through her performance that made her realize there was something inside her that she wanted to give to others.

Q: How did Paul protect her purpose as she built her business and pursued her passion for dance?

Paul credits her gratitude and the lessons she learned from her parents for her ability to protect her purpose. Seeing her parents' struggles and being given the gift to give to others through her work made her appreciate her journey and not take it for granted. She focused on prioritizing what was important to her, disregarding societal expectations, and staying true to her heart and what she loved.

Q: What does Paul mean when she says that purpose should be protected?

Paul explains that purpose is something you already have within you, and protecting it means staying committed to it even when faced with challenges and distractions. It involves prioritizing what aligns with your purpose and not letting outside influences sway you from pursuing what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Q: How did Paul go about solving problems and unlocking her potential?

Paul emphasizes the importance of solving problems that resonate with you personally. She recounts her experience of not being able to find a ballet class and deciding to start ClassPass to solve that problem. She advises reframing the question from "how can I make money?" to "what problem can I solve?" This shift in mindset allows you to focus on making a meaningful impact and create solutions that genuinely help others.

Q: How did Paul navigate the imposter syndrome and insecurities that come with pursuing her passions?

Paul shares her own struggles with imposter syndrome and feeling insecure about her unique blend of interests and identities. She initially kept her dance side separate from her corporate side but eventually learned to embrace and integrate all parts of herself. She realized that being authentic and genuine in all aspects of her life, even the ones that others might not understand or fully appreciate, allowed her to succeed and attract the right people into her life.

Q: What did dance teach Paul about life?

Paul believes that dance taught her how to show up fully in life. Her dance teacher, Ushanti, instilled values such as discipline, commitment, and respect, which translated into other areas of her life. Dance also helped her develop leadership skills as she choreographed dance shows and learned to communicate and organize large groups of people. Overall, dance taught her to approach life with love, authenticity, and a sense of purpose.

Q: How did Paul remain grounded and continue learning from others as she became more successful?

Paul stresses the importance of constantly learning and growing. Despite her achievements, she remains humble and seeks knowledge and guidance from mentors and teachers. She emphasizes the significance of mentorship and the continuous pursuit of personal and professional development. Paul also acknowledges her mentors for providing tough yet valuable advice, which keeps her grounded and motivated to keep learning.

Q: How did Paul overcome constraints and limits in her journey?

Paul firmly believes that constraints are not real and that you can find a way through any obstacle if you remain focused on your true north. She advises taking self-reflection and understanding your own thought processes and working towards your goals through action and execution. Paul encourages individuals to see constraints as opportunities for growth and to never lose sight of their aspirations.

Q: What is the biggest mistake people make when making plans?

According to Paul, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not taking enough action. Simply having a plan is not enough; it is important to execute that plan and take consistent action towards your goals. People often get caught up in overthinking and planning, which can lead to inaction and missed opportunities. Execution is crucial for progress and success.

Q: What's unique about Paul's book, "Life Unpaused: Drop Your Limits, Rise to Your Potential"?

Paul's book offers a combination of her personal journey and practical advice. It provides readers with actionable steps and frameworks to overcome obstacles and unlock their potential. The book encourages self-reflection and provides checklists and exercises for readers to apply the concepts to their own lives. It offers a blend of inspiration and practicality to guide individuals towards living a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.


Paul Kadakia's journey of discovering her purpose and living a life driven by love and passion offers valuable insights and lessons. She emphasizes the importance of protecting your purpose, solving problems that resonate with you, and executing your plans. By embracing all aspects of her identity and staying grounded, Paul has achieved success without losing sight of her values. She emphasizes the power of mentors and constant learning and encourages individuals to see constraints as opportunities for growth. Her book, "Life Unpaused: Drop Your Limits, Rise to Your Potential," offers practical advice and frameworks for personal growth and achieving goals. Overall, Paul's story inspires and empowers individuals to pursue their passion and live a purpose-driven life.

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