Why YOUR Videos Don't Show Up In YouTube Search | Summary and Q&A

November 17, 2020
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Why YOUR Videos Don't Show Up In YouTube Search


Learn why your YouTube videos may not be showing up in search results despite using relevant titles, tags, and descriptions.

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Key Insights

  • 💁 Relevant metadata (titles, tags, and descriptions) is essential for YouTube search rankings, along with providing context and topic-related information.
  • ⌚ YouTube's algorithm considers factors like authoritativeness, trustworthiness, click-through rates, and watch time when ranking videos in search results.
  • ✋ Niche-specific channels with valuable, engaging content have a higher chance of appearing in search results for relevant queries.
  • 😜 Content creators should focus on specific long-tail keywords that are less competitive to improve their chances of ranking higher in search results.
  • ⌚ It's crucial to create a satisfactory viewer experience by improving click-through rates, engagement, and watch time.
  • 👨‍🔬 Consistently producing optimized, valuable content in a specific niche helps establish authority and trustworthiness, increasing the chances of appearing in search results.
  • 👨‍🔬 Researching and understanding your competition in specific keyword areas can help in optimizing content and improving search rankings.


  • If you're making videos for YouTube Search and they're not showing up, regardless of the titles that you use, the tags that you use, the descriptions that you use, and all of that, you just can't get your videos to show up in Search, I'm gonna tell you why, and we're starting right now. This question comes from Seizures Family and Kids. They say,... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are my videos not showing up in YouTube search results?

Your videos may not be showing up because YouTube's algorithm prioritizes relevant, engaging, and high-quality content. Other factors, such as authoritativeness, trustworthiness, click-through rates, and watch time, also influence search rankings.

Q: How can I improve my videos' chances of appearing in search results?

Research and optimize for specific long-tail keywords related to your video's topic. Focus on providing valuable content, improving click-through rates, and increasing viewer engagement and watch time. This will help establish your channel as an authority in that niche.

Q: Why is it important to niche down and target specific topics?

Niching down allows you to become an authority in a specific content area and increases your chances of appearing in search results for relevant queries. By consistently providing valuable content in a specific niche, you build trust and improve your channel's authority.

Q: How can I compete with more authoritative channels in search rankings?

Instead of targeting highly competitive single-word keywords, aim for long-tail keywords that are more specific to your content. By doing thorough research and creating high-quality, optimized content, you can rank higher for these less competitive terms.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many content creators struggle with making their videos appear in YouTube search results, even when using the right metadata.

  • YouTube's search algorithm prioritizes relevance, engagement, and quality when determining search results.

  • Factors like authoritativeness, trustworthiness, click-through rates, and watch time also influence search rankings.

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