Why YOUR Subscribers Don't Watch YOUR Videos | Summary and Q&A

February 8, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Why YOUR Subscribers Don't Watch YOUR Videos


Subscriber engagement can decrease for various reasons such as a change in content type, lack of variety, or lack of focus, and YouTube's algorithm may also play a role.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Sudden changes in content type or style can lead to a decrease in viewer engagement.
  • 🖤 Lack of variety and repetitive topics can also contribute to subscribers not watching videos.
  • ✋ YouTube's algorithm may stop recommending videos to subscribers if their interests don't align with the channel's content.
  • 🪡 Niche turnaround or burnout can occur when subscribers' needs are fulfilled or their interests change.
  • 😘 Channels that grow through giveaways or sub-exchange methods may experience lower engagement if viewers are primarily interested in rewards.
  • 🫵 Changing viewer interests are normal, and content creators should focus on attracting new viewers while catering to their existing audience.
  • 💍 Not all subscribers will remain engaged, and it's important to understand that it's part of the process.


  • Oh my gosh, my subscribers aren't coming and watching my videos, what am I gonna do? So your subscribers are not watching your videos. It might be your fault or it might not. I'm gonna explain and we're starting right now. What is going on? My name is Nick from tubertools.com. Welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you wann... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some reasons why subscribers may not watch a channel's videos?

Subscribers may lose interest if the content type or style changes abruptly. Lack of variety and repetitive topics can also cause disengagement. Additionally, if the content doesn't align with their initial interests, YouTube's algorithm may stop recommending the channel's videos.

Q: Can niche turnaround or niche burnout affect subscriber engagement?

Yes, niche turnaround or burnout can impact subscriber engagement. For instance, if a channel focuses on finding a perfect partner and a viewer successfully finds one, they may lose interest in the content. It's important to diversify the content to cater to changing needs within the niche.

Q: How does the way a channel grows affect subscriber engagement?

If a channel primarily grows through giveaways or sub-exchange methods, subscribers may be more interested in the rewards rather than the content. Without consistent giveaways or reciprocal subscriptions, their engagement may decline.

Q: What should content creators do when subscribers aren't watching their videos?

Content creators should understand that not all viewers will remain interested, and it's essential not to take it personally. Focus on serving new viewers and maintaining content that appeals to the current subscriber base. Aim to attract new subscribers faster than losing existing ones.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Subscribers may not watch videos if there is a sudden change in content type or style, causing them to lose interest.

  • Lack of variety and repetitive topics can also lead to decreased viewer engagement.

  • If a channel's content does not align with the interests of its subscribers, YouTube's algorithm may stop recommending their videos.

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