Why India Doesn’t Build Skyscrapers | Summary and Q&A

November 9, 2022
The B1M
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Why India Doesn’t Build Skyscrapers


India's low skyscraper count and lack of height in its buildings is due to strict building codes and infrastructure constraints.

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Key Insights

  • 🤣 India's low skyscraper count is due to infrastructure constraints and a strict floor space index (FSI) building code.
  • 🤬 Skyscrapers are symbols of wealth, power, and growth, found in Asian countries with high demand for space.
  • 🏗️ India's strict FSI building code restricts building volume and floor space, limiting skyscraper construction.
  • 👨‍💻 The code's purpose is to control population density, but increasing FSI alone wouldn't solve this issue.
  • 😘 India's low skyline leads to affordability problems, urban sprawl, increased emissions, and the need for more infrastructure development.
  • 🆘 Looser FSI restrictions and more skyscrapers could help address India's housing crisis and manage population density.
  • 💱 Public perception of skyscrapers and density in India is negative but may change with recent FSI changes.


travel to almost any bustling City in Asia and you'll notice that many of them have the same thing in common they build big massive skyscrapers Tower over City centers largely a product of economic growth and the demand for space in congested areas then there's India the country's home some of the most highly populated cities in the world and has t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why doesn't India have many skyscrapers despite its population and wealth?

India's lack of skyscrapers can be attributed to infrastructure constraints, such as frequent power outages and limited access to clean water. Additionally, the floor space index (FSI) building code imposes restrictions on building volume and floor space.

Q: How does the FSI building code affect the construction of skyscrapers?

The FSI building code limits the amount of floor space a developer can construct based on the plot of land. The lower the FSI number, the lower a building's volume and floor space can be. This restricts the construction of tall buildings.

Q: What are the consequences of India's low skyline?

The limited availability of floor space in major cities like Mumbai leads to high real estate costs, making housing unaffordable for many. It also results in urban sprawl, increased emissions, and the need for more infrastructure development.

Q: How can India address its urban challenges and housing crisis?

Increasing the FSI restrictions, along with investments in mass transportation, roads, and other vital infrastructure networks, can help address overcrowding and lower housing prices. It would also require changing public perception towards skyscrapers and density.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • India, despite its large population and wealth, has a low number of skyscrapers, mainly in Mumbai.

  • Infrastructure constraints, like frequent power outages and limited access to clean water, hinder the construction of skyscrapers.

  • The floor space index (FSI) building code, which restricts building volume and floor space, contributes to India's low skyline.

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