Hong Kong's $11BN Underwater Railway Explained | Summary and Q&A

July 6, 2022
The B1M
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Hong Kong's $11BN Underwater Railway Explained


Despite facing extreme weather and a deadly pandemic, the construction of Hong Kong's new railway, the Shatin to Central Link, has transformed transportation in the city, though it was also marred by a major construction scandal.

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Key Insights

  • 🇭🇰 Hong Kong's new railway, the Shatin to Central Link, aims to improve transportation within the city, connecting different areas and providing additional links to Hong Kong Island.
  • 😀 The construction of the railway faced challenges due to extreme weather conditions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 🏗️ The project became involved in a major construction scandal, with safety standards being breached during the building of a station platform.
  • 🏗️ The construction scandal led to an inquiry and raised concerns about oversight and accountability in Hong Kong's building industry.
  • 🇨🇫 Despite the scandal, the Shatin to Central Link received public enthusiasm and support, as it is seen as a significant improvement to the city's transportation system.
  • 🇭🇰 The project has attracted a new wave of train enthusiasts, with young people celebrating the expanding rail network in Hong Kong.
  • 🇭🇰 Hong Kong's new railway has been seen as a much-needed solution to transportation challenges, particularly in crossing Victoria Harbour.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What is the purpose of the Shatin to Central Link in Hong Kong?

The Shatin to Central Link aims to transform transportation across Hong Kong by providing a new east-west link across the New Territories and creating a fourth rail link to Hong Kong Island.

Q: How was the tunnel across Victoria Harbour constructed?

The tunnel was constructed using an immersed tube tunnel methodology. Prefabricated sections of the tunnel were sunk and fitted together in a trench dug out of the seabed, creating an underwater railway.

Q: What was the construction scandal associated with the project?

The construction scandal involved dangerous safety standards being breached during the building of a station platform. Workers were not properly installing steel bars, which could have led to an unstable structure.

Q: How did the authorities respond to the construction scandal?

An inquiry was launched, and it was discovered that shortcuts were taken in the construction process. The MTR Corporation and the Hong Kong government both took responsibility for the oversight and pledged to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Shatin to Central Link is a multi-billion dollar railway project that aims to improve transportation across Hong Kong.

  • The construction of the railway faced challenges such as extreme weather and the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The project also became involved in a construction scandal due to safety standards being breached during the building of a station platform.

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