Who's to Blame for Britain's Floods? - Professor Carolyn Roberts | Summary and Q&A

June 5, 2018
Gresham College
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Who's to Blame for Britain's Floods? - Professor Carolyn Roberts


Recent floods in the UK have caused significant damage and raised questions about our ability to control rising waters, prompting a need for a comprehensive analysis of the causes and solutions.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Flooding in the UK has caused significant physical and economic damage in recent years.
  • ✳️ Climate change is increasing the risk of flooding globally, making it a top-ranked risk for insurers.
  • ✳️ Intensive farming practices and inadequate drainage systems contribute to the flood risk in the UK.
  • 🤝 Current flood management strategies are focused on dealing with the aftermath of floods rather than prevention and mitigation.
  • 🍉 Achieving effective flood management requires a holistic, multi-stakeholder approach and long-term investment in sustainable solutions.
  • ❓ Flooding is a complex and wicked problem, characterized by disagreements on the causes, solutions, and responsibilities.


in the last 15 years the UK has been devastated by a series of floods that have caused enormous physical and economic damage seriously affecting people's physical and mental health not like this but the estimated costs for example of the 2015 events in northern England was probably something in excess of 5 billion pounds media coverage of course ha... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some potential causes of recent flooding in the UK?

Recent flooding in the UK has been caused by a combination of heavy rainfall, inadequate drainage systems, increased urbanization, and erosion of topsoil due to intensive farming practices.

Q: How is climate change affecting the risk of flooding?

Climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including floods. This is due to factors such as changes in rainfall patterns and rising sea levels, which can result in higher flood risk.

Q: What are some potential solutions to reduce the impact of flooding?

Potential solutions include implementing sustainable drainage systems, improving land management practices to increase water infiltration, and investing in flood defense infrastructure such as flood barriers and reservoirs.

Q: Who is responsible for managing and addressing flooding in the UK?

Responsibility for managing flooding in the UK lies with multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, water companies, local councils, and individuals. However, there is a lack of coordination and consistent funding, leading to challenges in effectively addressing the issue.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Flooding in the UK has caused physical and economic damage in the last 15 years, raising concerns about our ability to control rising waters.

  • Recent floods in Birmingham and other parts of the country have highlighted issues such as inadequate drainage systems and inability to cope with sudden volume of water.

  • Flooding globally has increased in the last decade, making it a top-ranked risk for insurers, and climate change is intensifying the risk.

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