The Transient Universe - Professor Carolin Crawford | Summary and Q&A

December 3, 2014
Gresham College
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The Transient Universe - Professor Carolin Crawford


Transient astronomy involves studying changes within cosmic objects over large time scales, such as the birth and death of stars, collisions between galaxies, and gamma ray bursts.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ Astronomy involves studying changes within cosmic objects that occur over enormous time scales, far different from anything experienced on Earth.
  • πŸ•΅οΈ Time domain astronomy, which focuses on detecting changes within astronomical objects, is becoming an important field in astronomy.
  • πŸ‘Ά New technologies, such as digital detectors and robotic telescopes, are enabling astronomers to track and study transient phenomena more effectively.
  • 🀩 Transient phenomena, such as supernovae and gamma ray bursts, provide valuable insights into the nature and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.
  • πŸ†˜ Understanding transient phenomena in nearby galaxies helps interpret observations and phenomena in more distant galaxies and the early universe.
  • 🀩 There are different types of transients, including variable stars, supernovae, accretion onto compact objects, and gamma ray bursts, each offering unique insights into astrophysical processes.


one of the features of many of the talks on astronomy is the enormous time scales involved with Cosmic objects Stars Are Born even the actual Act of being born takes them several sort of million years to get their act together they will live for Millions tens of Millions billions of years before dying away in a supernova explosion galaxies will col... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some of the time scales involved in the changes observed in astronomy?

Many changes in cosmic objects, such as the birth and death of stars and the evolution of galaxies, occur over millions or billions of years.

Q: How are astronomers able to track changes in cosmic objects over such long periods of time?

With the development of digital detectors and robotic telescopes, astronomers can now accumulate archives of data over several decades, allowing them to track changes in objects over human lifetimes.

Q: What are some of the changes that can be observed in cosmic objects?

Some changes include variations in brightness, color, shape, motion, and spectrum. These changes can be tracked and mapped using different observational techniques.

Q: What is the significance of studying transient phenomena in astronomy?

Studying transient phenomena provides valuable insights into the nature and evolution of cosmic objects, helping scientists better understand processes such as star formation, galactic collisions, and the birth and death of stars.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Transient astronomy focuses on studying the changes that occur within cosmic objects over long periods of time, which are often on scales of millions or billions of years.

  • New technologies and instruments, such as digital detectors and robotic telescopes, are enabling astronomers to detect and track these changes more effectively.

  • By observing transient phenomena, astronomers can learn more about the nature and evolution of stars, galaxies, and other cosmic objects.

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