What makes a GREAT INVESTOR? | Episode 111 Joel Greenblatt | Summary and Q&A

May 18, 2021
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What makes a GREAT INVESTOR? | Episode 111 Joel Greenblatt


Warren Buffett's exceptional graciousness, emphasis on simplicity, and long-term value creation are key insights from his interactions with others and his investment approach.

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Key Insights

  • 🧍 Warren Buffett's graciousness with others, regardless of their position or what they can offer him, stands out as a valuable lesson in human interaction.
  • 🤩 The ability to simplify and explain investment ideas in a clear and straightforward manner is a key indicator of a skilled investor.
  • 🎚️ Examining the naive simplicity before understanding complexity and the mastery simplicity that results from understanding can help investors distinguish between different levels of expertise.
  • 🗯️ Patience and waiting for the right investment opportunity are instrumental in achieving long-term success in investing.
  • 🧘 Position sizing is paramount; taking larger positions in investments with limited downside risk and the potential for significant returns can be more beneficial than traditional portfolio diversification.
  • 😤 Evaluating management teams based on their past track record and capital allocation skills is more valuable than relying on personal assessments or interviews.
  • 🍉 The role of corporations should be centered around creating long-term value through responsible actions that benefit employees, customers, and the community.
  • 🤑 Printing money can have consequences, but during unique circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic, responsible government spending can help mitigate long-term economic damage.
  • 🍉 Transparency in accounting is crucial, and focusing on long-term value creation rather than short-term stock price manipulation is essential for sustainable growth.


i got to take my columbia class to visit buffett back probably 13 years ago or so and i had never met him before i don't go out to the annual meetings or anything and always been a big fan and you know he knew i you know i taught the classic columbia that he learned from ben graham at uh well he was at columbia so i guess he knew i was doing that a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Warren Buffett distinguish between luck and skill in evaluating other investors?

Buffett looks for investors who can simplify their investment ideas and passionately explain why they make sense. This thought process, combined with a genuine interest in solving puzzles and understanding what's next, sets apart skilled investors from those relying solely on luck.

Q: How does Warren Buffett determine whether simplicity is naive or masterful in investing?

Buffett believes that simplicity becomes mastery when he can understand an idea right away without having to delve into extensive analysis. As he puts it, if an investment requires him to dig through 40 pages of a spreadsheet, it's not as attractive as an opportunity that immediately makes sense.

Q: How does Warren Buffett use writing to refine his thinking?

Writing helps Buffett learn and realize the gaps in his understanding. Through writing, he distills his thoughts to their essence and ensures that he accurately conveys what he truly meant, thus aiding the learning process and creating a coherent investment philosophy.

Q: What qualities do consistently great investors have in common, according to Joel Greenblatt?

Great investors possess the ability to simplify complex ideas and passionately explain why they make sense. Passion and a love for solving puzzles are traits that tend to make investors successful in the long run.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Warren Buffett's graciousness is unmatched, as he has been incredibly kind and generous with students and others, even when they have nothing to offer him in return.

  • Evaluating investors' thought processes and their ability to simplify ideas and passionately pursue them are important indicators of their skill and potential success.

  • Simple and straightforward thinking, rather than naiveté, is the key to successful investing, as it allows for clear understanding and quick decisions.

  • Learning from teaching and writing helps in simplifying thoughts and understanding one's own thinking process, which is crucial for successful investing.

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