Shake Shack Founder Danny Meyer on The Knowledge Project | Summary and Q&A

July 13, 2021
The Knowledge Project | Full Episodes
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Shake Shack Founder Danny Meyer on The Knowledge Project


Danny Meyer, renowned restaurateur, discusses his journey in the restaurant industry, the importance of location selection, the key ingredients for a successful restaurant, and the role of hospitality in business.

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Key Insights

  • 👨‍🍳 Danny Meyer found inspiration in celebrity chefs and became a restaurant generalist to explore all aspects of the business.
  • 😫 Location selection is vital for a restaurant's success, as it sets the stage for the customer experience and impacts operations.
  • ❓ Meyer focuses on emotional skills when hiring, promoting a culture of hospitality and continuous learning.
  • 👨‍💼 Hospitality is the cornerstone of Meyer's business philosophy, with an emphasis on creating a supportive environment for employees and providing exceptional service to customers.
  • ⚖️ Scaling a restaurant requires a balance between systematizing operations and customization to maintain consistency and provide unique experiences.
  • 🧚 Educating the public about the true cost of dining out can help sustain the restaurant industry and support fair wages for employees.


danny can you briefly tell us how it is uh that you came to be what you call a restaurant generalist when i decided to get into the restaurant business uh it was a time back in the 1980s where it wasn't nearly the acceptable you know entrepreneurial career choice that it is today and there was something in my mind that said my parents are gonna tot... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did it take so long for Danny Meyer to open his second restaurant?

Meyer associated expansion with the risk of failure, which he observed through his father's bankruptcies. He wanted to take a safe approach to entrepreneurship and was cautious about scaling too quickly.

Q: How does Danny Meyer define hospitality?

Meyer believes hospitality exists when you trust that the other person is on your side. It starts with creating a supportive and positive work culture, extends to providing excellent customer service, and involves a commitment to the community and suppliers.

Q: What are the key ingredients for a successful restaurant location?

The location should reflect the desired concept and ambiance, considering factors like accessibility, surrounding environment, and customer demographics. Understanding what the location communicates and meeting customer expectations are crucial.

Q: How does Danny Meyer cultivate a winning culture in his restaurants?

Meyer focuses on emotional skills like optimism, curiosity, work ethic, empathy, self-awareness, and integrity when hiring. He creates a common language around these skills, celebrates and promotes them, and strives to maintain a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Q: Why do restaurants that survive for several years often end up failing?

Restaurant economics can be challenging, with upward pressure on costs and downward pricing power. Failure to educate the public about the true cost of dining out, including fair wages for employees, can make it difficult for restaurants to sustain profitability.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Danny Meyer became a restaurant generalist due to the lack of support for restaurateurs in the 1980s. He found inspiration in celebrity chefs and wanted to dabble in all aspects of the restaurant business.

  • Location selection is crucial for a restaurant's success. The location sets the stage for the restaurant's concept and ambiance, and it is essential to understand the surrounding environment and its impact on the restaurant.

  • Picking the right team is like selecting the right grapes for winemaking. Meyer looks for employees with emotional skills such as optimism, curiosity, work ethic, empathy, self-awareness, and integrity.

  • Hospitality is the foundation of Meyer's business philosophy. It involves making people feel good and creating an environment where employees, customers, communities, and suppliers are all rooting for the restaurant's success.

  • Cultivating a winning culture requires intentionality, clear values, and a common language. It involves celebrating and promoting the emotional skills that contribute to a positive working environment and customer experience.

  • Scaling a restaurant involves a combination of systematizing operations (bricklaying) and allowing room for customization and improvisation (masonry). Shake Shack, a fast-casual restaurant, successfully combines both approaches.

  • Many restaurants fail due to challenging economics, downward pricing pressures, and rising costs. Meyer believes that the industry needs to educate the public about the importance of paying fair wages to employees to create a sustainable and successful business.

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