What Is the What | Valentino Achak Deng | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 3, 2007
Talks at Google
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What Is the What | Valentino Achak Deng | Talks at Google


Valentino AEK Deng shares his inspiring life story as a Sudanese refugee, highlighting the challenges he faced in America.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ˜€ Deng's journey highlights the challenges faced by Sudanese refugees in America, including finding employment and pursuing education.
  • 🀨 The book "What is the What" serves to raise awareness about the conflicts in Sudan and the experiences of refugees.
  • 🌎 Deng's experiences in America shaped his desire to support his hometown and Sudanese immigrants through the foundation.
  • ❓ Deng's resilience and determination to overcome hardships are evident throughout his story.
  • 🌎 Cultural differences and language barriers were significant obstacles for Deng during his initial transition to life in America.
  • πŸ™‚ Deng's experiences shed light on the need for support systems and resources to help refugees successfully integrate into their new communities.
  • 😨 The tragic events of September 11 further complicated Deng's journey and added to his feelings of uncertainty and fear.


it's my pleasure today to introduce Valentino AEK Deng Mr dang's life story is the subject of Dave Edgar's novelized autobiography what is the what the book Chronicles Mr dang's flight from war torn southern Sudan to refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya and eventually to Atlanta of the novel Francine pros of the New York Times writes reading what is... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did September 11th impact Valentino AEK Deng's journey to the United States?

Deng's original flight to the US was scheduled for September 11, 2001, and he was stranded in Nairobi for two weeks before finally being allowed to enter the US on September 25. The attacks added to his fears as a Sudanese immigrant.

Q: How did Deng adjust to life in America and what challenges did he face?

Deng initially struggled to find stable employment and had to take on multiple part-time jobs. He also faced difficulties in adapting to American culture, including language barriers and unfamiliarity with Atlanta, his new home.

Q: How did Deng's experiences in America shape his desire to raise awareness about Sudan?

Deng realized that many Americans were unaware of the conflicts in Sudan and the struggles faced by its people. He wanted to share his story and bring attention to the war and genocide happening in his home country.

Q: How did the foundation created by Valentino AEK Deng support his hometown and Sudanese immigrants in America?

The foundation, funded by the proceeds from "What is the What," aimed to rebuild Deng's hometown in Sudan, Mariel Bai, and provide educational opportunities for Sudanese immigrants in America.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Valentino AEK Deng recounts his flight from war-torn Sudan to refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya before finally settling in Atlanta, USA.

  • Deng describes his struggles to adapt to life in America, including finding jobs and pursuing education.

  • The book "What is the What" chronicles Deng's journey and aims to raise awareness about the conflicts in Sudan.

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