Little Brother | Cory Doctorow | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

June 16, 2008
Talks at Google
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Little Brother | Cory Doctorow | Talks at Google


Cory Doctorow discusses the importance of technology and the need to take control of our devices, change the conversation about security, and get involved in electoral politics.

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Key Insights

  • 😀 Young adults today face technology that often feels adversarial, controlling, and surveilling.
  • 💨 Taking back control of devices is a way to regain autonomy and agency.
  • 🔒 Understanding the limitations of algorithms and statistics is crucial for changing the conversation about security.


welcome to uh another authors at Google talk I'm Alexander nman one of the writers here um I'm really thrilled today to welcome the first woman to be uh on the UK National Quake team uh Alice Taylor Alice we are not worthy how totally badass is that oh and also apparently her husband's written a book um it's a really great pleasure to welcome Cory ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does "Little Brother" depict the struggle of young adults in dealing with technology?

"Little Brother" portrays young adults who find themselves battling against technology that is often used to control and surveil them, leading them to reclaim control over their devices and fight for their freedoms.

Q: What are the three main actions taken by the characters in "Little Brother" to combat the erosion of their constitutional liberties?

The characters in "Little Brother" take back control of their devices, change the conversation about security by understanding algorithms and statistics, and get involved in electoral politics to bring about long-term change.

Q: Why does Cory Doctorow believe it is important for young adults to have control over their technology?

Doctorow believes that young adults today have a different experience with technology, often finding it adversarial and aimed at controlling and surveilling them. By taking control of their devices, they can regain agency and protect their freedoms.

Q: How does Cory Doctorow argue for the importance of being involved in electoral politics?

Doctorow asserts that while protest and civil disobedience can bring attention to an issue, it is ultimately through electoral politics that long-term change can be achieved. By participating in elections, young adults can have a say in shaping the future leaders who will address their concerns.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Cory Doctorow talks about his book "Little Brother" and how it portrays a group of teenagers who take back control of their devices and fight against the erosion of their constitutional liberties.

  • He emphasizes the need for people to have control over their technology and how young adults today experience technology as adversarial, often being used to control and surveil them.

  • Doctorow also discusses the importance of changing the conversation about security and learning about the statistics of rare occurrences to better understand algorithms and their limitations.

  • Additionally, he highlights the role of electoral politics as a means to bring about long-term societal change.

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