The Entitled | Frank Deford | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

June 28, 2007
Talks at Google
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The Entitled | Frank Deford | Talks at Google


A novel exploring the complex world of sports, fame, entitlement, and the ethical issues surrounding performance-enhancing drugs.

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Key Insights

  • 🚙 Sports novels often struggle to compete with real sports due to the excitement they generate.
  • 🌍 The sense of entitlement among athletes is a prevalent issue in the sports world, fueled by their youth, wealth, and fame.
  • 😀 The novel highlights the challenges faced by athletes who must navigate the temptations and privileges that come with their status.
  • 🥺 Athletes' personal lives are closely scrutinized and often intersect with their professional careers, leading to complex dynamics and ethical questions.
  • 😒 Performance-enhancing drugs continue to be a controversial topic in sports, with the novel examining the impact and ethical considerations surrounding their use.
  • ✊ The relationship between athletes and their managers is often a delicate balance between power dynamics, trust, and mentorship.
  • ⚾ Sports novels, particularly those centered around baseball, have a unique appeal due to the individual's aspects within a team setting.
  • 😤 The disparity in payroll among professional sports teams remains an ongoing issue, but progress has been made in creating a more fair playing field.
  • 🔉 The media's coverage of sports scandals has become more intense due to heightened public interest and increased media coverage.


give a round of applause for Frank to for you excuse me I'm still sort of sorting myself out because I flew down from Portland this morning and in a classic case of what it's like to travel in America today uh the flight was cancelled and I had to find my way through Medford Oregon to get here so I'm still uh I still don't really know where I am as... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the protagonist of "The Entitled" navigate the pressures of stardom and the sense of entitlement that comes with it?

The protagonist, Jay Alcazar, initially revels in his fame and all the perks that come with it. However, as the story progresses, he begins to question his own sense of entitlement and the consequences of his actions.

Q: How does the relationship between Jay Alcazar and his manager, Howie Traveler, evolve throughout the novel?

At first, there is a power dynamic between Jay and Howie, with Jay being the star athlete and Howie as his manager. However, as Jay grapples with personal and professional challenges, he begins to appreciate Howie's experience and guidance, leading to a deeper bond between the two.

Q: Does "The Entitled" explore the issue of performance-enhancing drugs in sports?

Yes, the novel raises questions about the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. It delves into the ethical implications and the impact these substances have on athletes' lives and careers.

Q: How does "The Entitled" address the intersection of personal and professional lives for athletes?

The novel explores how athletes' personal lives are heavily influenced by their fame and success. It delves into the challenges they face in managing relationships, maintaining privacy, and dealing with the expectations placed upon them.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The novel, titled "The Entitled," explores the life of a superstar athlete and his relationship with his aging manager.

  • It delves into the themes of entitlement, the pressures of stardom, and the impact of fame on athletes' personal lives.

  • The story also raises questions about the use of performance-enhancing drugs and the blurred lines between personal and professional behavior in the world of sports.

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