What is the Point of Theatre? | Emma Lucia Hands | TEDxUniversity of West London | Summary and Q&A

March 27, 2024
TEDx Talks
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What is the Point of Theatre? | Emma Lucia Hands | TEDxUniversity of West London


Theater has the ability to connect with our inner child, touch our hearts and minds, and remind us that we are not alone in the world.

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Key Insights

  • 👶 Actors who connect with their inner child bring authenticity and depth to their performances.
  • 🎭 Theater productions can be transformative and challenge our perspectives on societal issues.
  • 🎭 The shared experience of theater creates a sense of connection and community.
  • 🤞 Theater has the power to heal, provide hope, and remind us of our shared humanity.
  • 🎭 The arts, including theater, are essential alongside other societal needs like healthcare.
  • 💨 Theater can bridge the gap between politics and creativity, bringing them together in unexpected ways.
  • 🎭 By exploring diverse stories, theater promotes empathy, understanding, and inclusivity.


uh so most actors will recount stories to you of uh when they were children and being desperate to be on the stage and I'm sure you too have memories of of a big children doing the same thing where you're I mean I can picture myself with a a hairbrush pretending it's a microphone and singing in front of a mirror uh I think we've all been there uh b... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do actors need to stay connected to their inner child?

Actors who can tap into their inner child are able to approach characters with a sense of wonder, playfulness, and authenticity. This connection allows them to create characters that resonate with audiences on a deeper level and bring stories to life.

Q: What impact can theater have on society?

Theater has the power to provoke thought, spark conversation, and bring about social change. Productions like "Top Girls" and "Angels in America" tackle important social issues and inspire audiences to reflect on the world around them.

Q: How can theater provide empathy and sympathy for politicians?

Plays like "The House" by James Graham humanize politicians by exploring their vulnerabilities, dilemmas, and personal lives. By doing so, audiences may develop a more nuanced understanding of the complexities politicians face, fostering empathy and sympathy.

Q: Why is it important for theater to tell diverse stories?

Theater has the ability to amplify underrepresented voices and share stories from different perspectives. By showcasing diverse experiences, theater cultivates empathy, breaks down stereotypes, and promotes inclusivity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker, a theater director, discusses the importance of actors staying connected to their inner child and using their whole bodies to create authentic characters.

  • They share their love affair with theater and discuss various transformative productions they have witnessed, including "Top Girls," "The Seven Streams of the River OT," "Angels in America," "Crave," "The Inheritance," "Chimerica," "Jerusalem," and "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time."

  • The speaker explains the significance of theater in providing a shared experience, connecting people, and healing the soul.

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