What is BIM Level 3? (Digital Built Britain) | David Philp | The B1M | Summary and Q&A

June 29, 2015
The B1M
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What is BIM Level 3? (Digital Built Britain) | David Philp | The B1M


The content discusses the paradigm shift towards Level 3 digitalization in the built environment, focusing on real-time data, performance-based contracting, and the challenges of data provenance and security.

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Key Insights

  • 🏛️ Level 3 digitalization in the built environment represents a paradigm shift, codifying digital processes and revolutionizing the industry.
  • 🥺 Real-time data and performance-based contracting are crucial components of Level 3 digitalization, leading to more efficient and effective decision-making.
  • 🪡 Data provenance and security are significant challenges that need to be addressed in Level 3 digitalization.
  • 🤩 Scalability and the integration of IoT and smart cities are key aspects of Level 3 digitalization.
  • 💁 The gamification of data offers exciting opportunities for engaging and utilizing information effectively.
  • 🏛️ Level 3 digitalization requires a shift towards a more comprehensive approach to managing the built environment.
  • ❓ Virtualization and AI may become integral to future digitalization efforts.


for me this is a game-changer level-2 was doing what we should be doing doing it digitally and son to think about codifying what we're doing for me listing level fees a paradigm shift the business plans went out for it when it was launched in in fabulous year and I'll probably think I think somebody said to guess around oh it's seven years if you l... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Level 3 digitalization differ from Level 2?

Level 3 digitalization goes beyond automation and embraces real-time data, IoT integration, and more performance-based contracting, leading to better decision-making and business outcomes.

Q: What are some of the key features of Level 3 digitalization?

Level 3 digitalization focuses on real-time cost and carbon lifecycle management, IoT integration for asset monitoring, performance-based contracting, scalability for smart cities, and gamification of data.

Q: What are the challenges of Level 3 digitalization?

Level 3 digitalization requires addressing issues of data provenance, ensuring the authenticity and origin of data, as well as security concerns related to sensors and semantic objects.

Q: How does Level 3 digitalization impact decision-making?

Level 3 digitalization enables businesses to make more informed and smarter decisions by utilizing real-time and probabilistic data to plan for the future and optimize performance.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Level 2 digitalization is already revolutionizing the industry, but Level 3 takes it to the next level, aiming to codify and standardize digital processes.

  • Level 3 digitalization focuses on real-time cost and carbon lifecycle management, IoT integration, and performance-based contracting.

  • Smart cities, scalability, and the gamification of data are key components of Level 3 digitalization.

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