Trend Micro Anti Threat toolkit review | Summary and Q&A

October 4, 2014
The PC Security Channel
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Trend Micro Anti Threat toolkit review


Trend Micro's new anti-threat toolkit fails to effectively remove malware and falls short compared to Hitman Pro.

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Key Insights

  • 💄 The Trend Micro anti-threat toolkit fails to bypass fake antivirus software and terminate malware processes, making it ineffective in heavily infected systems.
  • 🔨 The tool's scan is basic and lacks depth, resulting in a limited detection rate compared to more robust malware removal tools.
  • 💁 The toolkit's unique feature of real-time information sharing with customer support does not compensate for its poor malware removal performance.
  • 🕵️ Hitman Pro outperforms the Trend Micro toolkit in terms of speed and efficacy, detecting and removing more infections in a shorter amount of time.
  • 🔨 Using the Trend Micro toolkit as a backup or alongside other tools may be the only scenario where it provides some value.
  • 🇫🇲 The video concludes that the Trend Micro anti-threat toolkit is as useless as the previous Trend Micro HouseCall utility in terms of malware removal.


you hello and welcome to the PC security Channel today we'll be taking a look at a brand new utility from trend micro called trendmicro anti fret toolkit now the thing about this brand new toolkit is that it's meant to replace house call which used to be Trend Micro's own removal utility so let's see how this thing compares with something like let'... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Trend Micro's anti-threat toolkit compare to Hitman Pro in removing malware?

The video demonstrates that Hitman Pro is more effective at bypassing fake antivirus software and terminating malware processes compared to Trend Micro's toolkit.

Q: Does the Trend Micro toolkit have any unique features?

The toolkit keeps a log of system activity and allows for real-time information sharing with Trend Micro's customer support. However, this does not compensate for its poor malware removal capabilities.

Q: Can the Trend Micro toolkit effectively clean a heavily infected system?

The video shows that the toolkit's scan is not detailed or deep enough, as it fails to detect and remove most infections, including a persistent fake AV and ransomware.

Q: Is there any reason to use the Trend Micro toolkit over other malware removal tools?

The video suggests that there is no compelling reason to use the Trend Micro toolkit, as it is less effective than other tools like Hitman Pro or Malwarebytes in detecting and removing infections.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video compares Trend Micro's new anti-threat toolkit to Hitman Pro in terms of malware removal.

  • Hitman Pro is able to bypass fake antivirus software and terminate malware processes, while the Trend Micro toolkit fails to do so.

  • The Trend Micro toolkit is unable to clean the system thoroughly and only finds a limited number of infections in a surface-level scan.

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