Thirst for Power: Energy, Water and Human Survival | Michael Webber | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

December 22, 2016
Talks at Google
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Thirst for Power: Energy, Water and Human Survival | Michael Webber | Talks at Google


Energy and water are critical resources for modern society and their interconnection is essential for sustainable development.

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Key Insights

  • 💦 Water and energy are critical resources for modern society, and their interconnection is essential.
  • 🥺 Lack of water or drought can lead to societal collapse throughout history.
  • 💦 Energy production puts water quality and supply at risk, while water scarcity can impact energy generation.


all right thanks for having me my name is Michael Weber I'm a professor of mechanical engineering and deputy director of the energy Institute at the University of Texas at Austin and I wrote this book thirst for power energy water and human survival which was just published a few months ago I've been talking to different groups about some of its th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How are water and energy interconnected?

Water is used in the power sector to generate electricity, while energy is necessary to treat, transport, and distribute water for various purposes.

Q: Can you provide an example of how water scarcity can impact energy generation?

In 2011, a freeze in Texas caused power plants to go offline due to frozen water lines, resulting in power shortages and rotating blackouts.

Q: What are the environmental risks associated with energy production?

Energy production can lead to water pollution due to coal slurry spills, thermal pollution from power plants, and chemical contamination from processes such as hydraulic fracturing.

Q: How can conservation help alleviate the strain on energy and water resources?

Conservation efforts can reduce energy and water consumption, buying time for the development of new technologies and solutions. It is a scalable solution that can be implemented at various levels.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Water and energy are critical resources that are essential for life and civilization.

  • Lack of water or drought can lead to the collapse of societies throughout history.

  • Energy is necessary for clean water, productive industries, mobility, and overall quality of life.

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