The weird strategy i used to get 30,356 subscribers in 30 days | Summary and Q&A

February 22, 2024
Charlie Morgan
YouTube video player
The weird strategy i used to get 30,356 subscribers in 30 days


Building a successful YouTube channel requires focusing on creating value for the audience in the long term, rather than relying solely on short-term trends.

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Key Insights

  • ⌛ Consistently creating valuable content over a long period of time is crucial for success on YouTube.
  • 🍉 Short-term trends and popularity may give temporary results but do not guarantee long-term success.
  • ❓ Value is created by addressing and solving the audience's problems.
  • 🥺 Emphasizing the importance of long-term strategies and learning from the success of others can lead to exponential growth on YouTube.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The external factors such as editing, titles, and thumbnails are important but are secondary compared to the value provided in the content itself.
  • 🥺 Copying recent successful strategies without understanding the underlying value creation may lead to limited results.
  • 🍉 Warren Buffett's investment strategy can be compared to the YouTube growth strategy, emphasizing the importance of long-term consistent efforts.


oh my God I almost just fell down the stairs what that's what I get for trying to start a video um on the stairs not a good idea I wanted to make a quick one because um I just had an idea for a video and well like who needs a schedule right so look I in the last 30 days of YouTube have gained 30,000 subscribers and I've basically done it with littl... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What does the quote "the market is a voting machine in the short term and a weighing machine in the long term" mean?

The quote means that in the short term, popularity and shiny objects may be favored, but in the long term, true value creators and those who add value consistently will be successful.

Q: How did the speaker achieve exponential growth in their channel in a short period?

The speaker achieved exponential growth by consistently creating videos over a three-year period, focusing on providing original, creative, and value-packed content.

Q: What is the speaker's strategy for creating value on YouTube?

The speaker emphasizes that value is created by solving problems and alleviating pain for the audience. Videos that provide unique information and help viewers achieve their goals are key to creating value on YouTube.

Q: Why is it important to focus on long-term strategies rather than short-term trends?

Short-term trends may provide temporary success, but focusing on long-term value creation allows for sustained and exponential growth over time.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker has gained 30,000 subscribers in the last 30 days with little to no effort, and shares insights on how others can do the same.

  • They emphasize the importance of adding value to the audience and letting time work in your favor for exponential growth.

  • The speaker shares their personal experience of steadily building their channel for three years before experiencing a sudden surge in subscribers in the last month.

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