The Uses of Enchantment | Heidi Julavits | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

January 29, 2008
Talks at Google
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The Uses of Enchantment | Heidi Julavits | Talks at Google


Heidi Jivitz, author and founding editor of The Believer magazine, discusses writing, the publication industry, and the importance of narrative ambiguity in literature.

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Key Insights

  • โœ๏ธ Cobbled together narratives are common in the writing industry, as writers often have to combine different sources of income to make a living.
  • ๐Ÿ‘พ The Believer magazine provides a sense of community for artists and writers who may not have access to traditional office spaces.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ป Narrative ambiguity in literature allows for multiple interpretations and engages readers in a deeper, contemplative experience.


hi everyone and welcome to today's authors at Google event with Heidi jivitz um Heidi is the author of The Mineral Palace the uses of Enchantment and the effect of living backwards and she is also a founding editor of the believer magazine where coincidentally I used to work um I will not say anything further because you know one more word for me i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the purpose of The Believer magazine?

The Believer magazine was founded to create a community for artists and writers and provide a platform for critical reviews that are not mean or snarky.

Q: How does narrative ambiguity affect the reading experience?

Narrative ambiguity allows for multiple interpretations and engages readers in a more thought-provoking and contemplative experience.

Q: What is Jivitz's writing process like?

Jivitz's writing process is inefficient and involves writing entire novels that are eventually discarded. She often explores different structures and themes in her writing.

Q: Is narrative ambiguity specific to American literature?

Jivitz suggests that narrative intolerance may be more prevalent in America, but it is also influenced by the current state of the publishing industry.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Heidi Jivitz introduces herself as an author and founding editor of The Believer magazine.

  • She discusses the challenges of being a writer and the importance of cobbled together narratives.

  • Jivitz talks about the founding of The Believer magazine and the need for a community for artists and writers.

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