The Sneaky Plan to Subvert the Electoral College for the Next Election | Summary and Q&A

November 20, 2019
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The Sneaky Plan to Subvert the Electoral College for the Next Election


The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NaPoVoInterCo) aims to use the Electoral College to ensure that the president is elected by the majority of citizens nationwide.

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Key Insights

  • ✊ The Electoral College was a compromise in the Constitution to distribute power between states and citizens.
  • 🌍 The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact aims to circumvent the Electoral College and elect the President based on the national popular vote.
  • 🌱 The plan requires enough states to join and control a majority of Electoral College votes to be effective.


The Electoral College. America's unique way of picking her President. For it or against it, you might want to know there's a plan to use the Electoral College to subvert the Electoral College. It's a sneaky plan and to understan(d), remember that: while it feels like citizens pick the president in one big election, they don't. The 50 states pick th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the purpose of the Electoral College?

The Electoral College was designed to distribute power between the levels of citizen, state, and federal, and to prevent a purely popular vote for the President.

Q: How do states currently cast their Electoral College votes?

Most states cast all their Electoral College votes for the state-wide winner, but they are not required to do so. Some states allocate their votes proportionally to their citizens' preferences.

Q: What is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact?

The NaPoVoInterCo is a plan where states agree to cast their Electoral College votes for the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide, effectively making the presidential election based on the national popular vote.

Q: What is the requirement for the NaPoVoInterCo to go into effect?

The plan only goes into effect once enough states, with enough votes to control the Electoral College, join. This means that a majority of Electoral College votes must be controlled by compact members.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Electoral College is a system where states vote for the President based on their population, and not all states are obliged to vote according to their citizens' preferences.

  • The Electoral College sometimes results in a President being elected with a minority of the popular vote, which is a source of controversy.

  • The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NaPoVoInterCo) is a plan to use the Electoral College to ensure that the President is elected based on the national popular vote, but it requires enough states to join and control a majority of Electoral College votes.

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