Humans Need Not Apply | Summary and Q&A

August 13, 2014
CGP Grey
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Humans Need Not Apply


Automation, powered by mechanical muscles and mechanical minds, is revolutionizing industries, replacing human jobs, and creating a need to prepare for massive unemployment.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿฆพ Automation, driven by mechanical muscles and mechanical minds, is transforming industries and replacing human jobs.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ป General purpose robots like Baxter are becoming more affordable and versatile, allowing them to take over low-skill jobs in various sectors.
  • ๐Ÿš— Autos, or self-driving cars, have the potential to replace millions of jobs in the transportation industry.
  • ๐Ÿง‘โ€โš•๏ธ Automation is not limited to blue-collar workers; white-collar workers and professionals are also at risk of job loss due to the rise of software bots.
  • ๐Ÿค– Even creativity is not immune to automation, as bots can write music and potentially replicate other artistic skills.
  • โ“ Without proper preparation, a significant portion of the population may become unemployable due to automation.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ฎ The rise of automation is inevitable, and society needs to start considering solutions for the future where jobs become scarce.


Every human used to have to hunt or gather to survive. But humans are lazy so we made tools to make our work easier. From sticks, to plows, to tractors weโ€™ve gone from everyone needing to make food to, modern agriculture with almost no one needing to make food โ€” and yet, we still have abundance. Of course, itโ€™s not just farming, itโ€™s eve... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Are humans losing jobs to automation because of laziness?

No, humans have been using tools to improve efficiency for centuries. Automation allows for increased specialization and higher standards of living, benefiting society as a whole.

Q: Will automation lead to widespread unemployment?

Yes, automation is replacing human jobs in various industries, and without proper preparation, a large portion of the population may become unemployable.

Q: Can self-driving cars completely replace human drivers?

Self-driving cars have the potential to replace human drivers, as they are more efficient, do not get distracted, and are safer on the roads. However, this transition may not happen immediately or completely.

Q: Can robots replace doctors and other white-collar professionals?

Research bots and doctor bots are already capable of assisting in medical diagnoses and treatments. While they may not completely replace doctors, they can significantly impact the healthcare industry.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Humans have been using tools to reduce physical labor and improve efficiency for thousands of years, leading to increased specialization and higher standards of living.

  • General purpose robots like Baxter are becoming more affordable and capable of taking over low-skill jobs, leading to job loss in various industries, such as supermarkets and coffee shops.

  • Self-driving cars, referred to as autos, are here and working, and they have the potential to replace millions of jobs in the transportation industry.

  • Automation is not limited to blue-collar workers; white-collar workers and professionals are also at risk of losing their jobs to software bots, such as research bots and doctor bots.

  • Even creativity is not safe from automation, as bots are capable of writing music and have the potential to replicate other artistic skills.

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