The Righteous Mind | Jonathan Haidt | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

August 13, 2012
Talks at Google
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The Righteous Mind | Jonathan Haidt | Talks at Google


Hivishness refers to the cooperative nature of humans, which allows them to work together towards higher goals. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature that can lead to increased productivity and employee morale in organizations.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 Humans possess both selfish and cooperative tendencies, with hivishness being a key aspect of their nature.
  • 🏃 Synchronous movement, such as exercising in a group, can enhance cooperation and trust among individuals.
  • 🥺 Hivishness can lead to higher social capital and employee morale, resulting in increased productivity.


Male Presenter: Glad to see you all here today. A few months ago I got into the car and turn on NPR and the program that was on the air immediately captured my full attention. The guest was commenting about how we've gotten to a point where America's different ideological factions could no longer even understand each other at all, let alone work ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is hivishness and how does it differ from selfishness?

Hivishness refers to our innate ability to work together towards higher goals and prioritize the interests of the group. It differs from selfishness, which focuses on individual self-interest, by promoting cooperation and trust within the group.

Q: How does synchronous movement impact group dynamics?

Synchronous movement, such as exercising in a group or participating in group activities, can improve cooperation and trust among individuals. It has been found to increase endorphin levels and enhance group bonding, creating a more cohesive and productive environment.

Q: Can hivishness be harmful in any way?

While hivishness can have numerous benefits, such as increased social capital and employee morale, there are potential downsides. It may lead to a decrease in productivity if too much time is spent on group activities. Additionally, intense group loyalty can hinder interactions with outsiders, potentially resulting in the exclusion of other stakeholders.

Q: Can a hive function without a leader?

While a hive can function without a leader, having effective leadership can enhance the organization's success. A leader can provide direction, inspire trust, and create a sense of shared purpose among group members. However, there are examples where groups have successfully operated without traditional leadership structures.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Humans possess both selfish and cooperative tendencies, with hivishness being a key aspect of their nature.

  • Hivishness is characterized by the ability to work together towards higher goals, often seen in successful organizations like Google.

  • Synchronous movement, such as moving in unison, can enhance group dynamics and trust, leading to improved cooperation and productivity.

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