The Problem With Hyper Real Renders | Summary and Q&A

August 12, 2020
The B1M
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The Problem With Hyper Real Renders


Photorealistic architectural renders can be deceptive, with marketeers exaggerating building features, but they also provide a valuable tool for architects and clients to visualize projects.

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Key Insights

  • 👷 Photorealistic architectural renders provide architects and clients with a valuable tool to visualize projects before construction.
  • 🥺 Some renders accurately represent buildings, while others exaggerate features, leading to potential deception.
  • 🎨 Greenwashing in architectural renders can create unrealistic designs that may be challenging to execute.
  • 🖤 Depictions of people in renders can lack diversity or be unrealistic, tailored to the preferences of its creators.
  • 😌 The responsibility for the accuracy of renders lies with those creating the images and the information they are briefed with.
  • ❓ Photorealistic renders are not reality, and it is important to remember their limitations.
  • 😒 Technology has enabled architects to create increasingly realistic renders, but it is the responsibility of individuals to use it ethically.


we're now firmly in the age of photorealistic renders never have architects been able to create such perfect visualizations of their projects before construction and yet this technology comes with its dangers and marketeers eager to exaggerate angles can make buildings appear taller greener or more environmentally friendly than they really are the ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How have architectural renders progressed over the centuries?

Architectural renders have evolved from linear perspective drawings in the 15th century to computer rendering today, emphasizing the physical appearance of buildings.

Q: What are some deceptive techniques used in architectural renders?

Some renders use tricks like wider lenses or dramatic perspectives to exaggerate the sculptural qualities or height of buildings, leading to a distorted representation.

Q: How does greenwashing occur in architectural renders?

Greenwashing involves adding excessive greenery to buildings, such as outdoor trees on every floor. While visually appealing, these designs can be unrealistic and challenging to construct and maintain.

Q: What issues can arise with the depiction of people in architectural renders?

Critics have pointed out a lack of diversity or unrealistic depictions of people in renders, either for box-ticking purposes or solely for selling the building.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Photorealistic architectural renders have evolved from historical techniques to computer rendering, focusing on the physical reality of how buildings will appear.

  • While some renders accurately depict buildings, others exaggerate features such as height, greenery, or diversity, leading to misleading information.

  • Greenwashing, the excess use of greenery in renders, can create unrealistic buildings that would be difficult to construct and maintain.

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