The Obstacle is the Way | Ryan Holiday | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

June 5, 2014
Talks at Google
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The Obstacle is the Way | Ryan Holiday | Talks at Google


Ryan Holiday, a media strategist and writer, shares his journey from dropout to successful author and Director of Marketing at American Apparel.

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Key Insights

  • 🪛 Ryan Holiday's success is driven by his multi-faceted approach to learning and growth.
  • 🏛️ Mentorship is about building relationships rather than formal requests.
  • ❓ Reading is a crucial part of Ryan's job and personal development.
  • 🍵 Stoic philosophy provides valuable insights on how to handle challenges and setbacks.
  • 🗣️ Conferences and speaking engagements can be valuable networking opportunities.
  • 🤞 Luck and being well-adjusted are additional factors contributing to success.
  • ✍️ The importance of having something interesting to say rather than just focusing on writing skills.
  • ✊ The power of intense focus and dedication to personal growth.


MALE SPEAKER: Thank you all for coming today. We have the pleasure of having Ryan Holiday here at Google to talk to us. I'll give you guys a quick intro to who Ryan is. Ryan Holiday is a media strategist and prominent writer on strategy and business. After dropping out of college at 19 to apprentice under Ryan Green, author of "The 48 Laws of Power... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Ryan Holiday get started in his career?

Ryan's career started when he wrote an article about a famous blogger and built relationships with bestselling authors, leading to opportunities in media strategy and marketing.

Q: What is Ryan Holiday's approach to mentorship?

Ryan believes that mentorship is not a formal relationship, but rather an informal exchange of value that grows over time. He encourages young people to build relationships rather than asking someone to be their mentor.

Q: What role does reading play in Ryan Holiday's life?

Reading is a fundamental part of Ryan's job as a writer and media strategist. He reads extensively, often two to three books a week, and considers it a crucial way to access and learn from the experiences of others.

Q: How does Ryan Holiday deal with adversity and challenges?

Ryan is influenced by Stoic philosophy, which teaches him to focus on what he can control and to see obstacles as opportunities for growth. This mindset helps him overcome challenges and turn them into triumphs.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Ryan Holiday started his career by writing an article about a famous blogger, which led to an internship and working with bestselling authors.

  • He learned about the changing media landscape and became a media strategist and Director of Marketing at American Apparel.

  • Ryan's success can be attributed to his multi-faceted approach, learning from mentors, and his intense focus on personal growth and learning.

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