The Nordic Cookbook | Magnus Nilsson | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 30, 2015
Talks at Google
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The Nordic Cookbook | Magnus Nilsson | Talks at Google


Chef Magnus Nilsson discusses the diverse and unique food cultures within the Nordic region in his book "The Nordic Cookbook."

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Key Insights

  • 😋 The Nordic region is a diverse and geographically vast area, with each country having its own unique food culture.
  • 🖤 Traditional preservation techniques, such as fermentation and smoking, are common in the Nordic region due to its historical lack of access to salt.
  • 😋 The open sandwich, made with grains and various toppings, is a dish that represents Nordic food culture.
  • 😋 "The Nordic Cookbook" aims to showcase the diversity and uniqueness of Nordic food culture, providing a comprehensive overview of traditional and contemporary recipes from the region.
  • 🧑‍🍳 The book also highlights the importance of understanding cultural context when cooking and appreciating regional specialties.
  • 😋 The impact of globalization and modern technology has influenced Nordic food culture by providing access to imported ingredients and new cooking techniques.


FEMALE SPEAKER: Hello, everybody. Thanks for being here. Today we are joined by Chef Magnus Nilsson, head chef-- woo-hoo!-- of Faviken, which is a hyper-local restaurant in the wilds of Sweden. It is currently ranked number 25 on the world's best restaurant list. He is the author of a cookbook by the same name, "Faviken," as well as "The Nordic Coo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the difference between the Nordic region and Scandinavia?

Scandinavia refers specifically to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, while the Nordic region also includes Finland, Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands.

Q: Are there any pan-Nordic dishes?

No, there are no dishes that are found throughout the entire Nordic region. Each country within the region has its own unique dishes and food traditions.

Q: How does the Nordic region's climate and geography impact its food culture?

The Nordic region's harsh climate and remote locations have influenced its food culture. Traditional preservation techniques, such as fermentation and smoking, are common in areas where access to salt was limited.

Q: How did Magnus Nilsson research and compile the recipes for "The Nordic Cookbook"?

Nilsson traveled extensively throughout the Nordic region, collecting recipes from local people, conducting interviews, and studying previous publications. He also worked with experts and recipe testers to ensure accuracy.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Nordic region is a large and diverse geographical area, encompassing countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, and more.

  • Nordic food culture is defined by the seasons, with the winter season requiring the storage and preservation of food for consumption.

  • The open sandwich, made with grains and various toppings, is a dish that represents the region and its food culture.

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