The New Industrial Revolution | Chris Anderson | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 16, 2012
Talks at Google
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The New Industrial Revolution | Chris Anderson | Talks at Google


Harnessing the power of the web's innovation model, the Maker Movement is bringing the manufacturing of physical goods to the masses.

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Key Insights

  • 🕸️ The Maker Movement is the industrialization of the Digital Revolution, bringing the web's innovation model to the physical world.
  • 🖨️ Accessible tools like 3D printers and CAD software enable anyone to become a designer and manufacturer.
  • ❓ The Maker Movement is empowering individuals to create their own products and bypass traditional manufacturing processes.
  • 🤗 Open-source platforms and online communities foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, driving innovation and creativity.


CHRIS DIBONA: Hi, everyone. I'm Chris DiBona. It's good to be here. I'm here to introduce Chris Anderson to you and the offices that have VC'd in. Since we do have a number of offices VC in and because it's the right thing to do, if you have any questions, we do have a microphone set up in the middle of the room here near the front. So feel free to... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the web's innovation model transformed the manufacturing industry?

The web's innovation model has unlocked the potential of spare cycles, latent energies, and untapped talents to bring ideas to life in the physical world. By using open-source software and online platforms, individuals can collaborate and innovate without the traditional barriers to entry.

Q: Can you provide an example of how the Maker Movement democratizes manufacturing?

The case of 3D printers allows individuals to create their own products and bypass traditional manufacturing processes. By using CAD software, users can design their products and then print them using a 3D printer. This enables customization, reduced costs, and increased accessibility to manufacturing.

Q: How does the Maker Movement empower individuals?

The Maker Movement empowers individuals by giving them the tools and knowledge to create their own physical products. Through open-source platforms and online communities, individuals can share their ideas, collaborate with others, and turn their concepts into reality. This allows for greater autonomy and self-expression.

Q: What is the future of the Maker Movement?

The future of the Maker Movement is likely to involve further advancements in technology, such as the use of advanced materials and molecular synthesis. As 3D printers become more sophisticated, they will be capable of producing a wider range of products with greater complexity and detail. This will further democratize the manufacturing process and expand the possibilities for innovation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Maker Movement is experiencing a third wave of the Digital Revolution, as it industrializes the manufacturing of physical goods.

  • 3D printers, open supply chains, and cloud manufacturing are transforming the way products are designed, produced, and distributed.

  • The movement is driven by the accessibility of CAD software, 3D printers, and online platforms like Kickstarter, which enable anyone to become a designer and manufacturer.

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